
You seem to think you’ve “discovered” something.

My wife is German. A whole other bag of issues. Your point being?

If she had, her dumb ass probably recorded classified information, so the FBI would already be up her ass.

Can someone please get a picture of Trumps father at that klan rally and do a comparison?

As a parent, I know this kind of thing doesn’t happen in a vacuum. You may not have voice these ideas about other races, but you didn’t prevent from developing within your child either. There are sources outside your home that can be just as influential to your child personality. If you’re not watching out, you can

This is just Flake thing about the future. Book deals will tell the story of how he “stood alone” against this threat to our democracy. Flake sees the train coming just like the others, he’s just the first GOP smart enough to get off the tracks first.

I don’t know when it happened, or if there was a meeting, a referendum, or whatever, but at some point in American history, the English, French, Dutch, etc. living here in America decided to solve their differences by acknowledging the single thing they have in common, being White. Centuries of political, social, and

Holy shit! Best read all week! As good as it was to see expressed, it also highlights the obstacles to finding a bridge to solidarity between Asian and African Americans. We are both put in the Colosseum and told to fight, but only one has (historically) been Caesars favorite. How do I, as a Black man, find empathy

Occasionally the Trump administration has bouts of common sense. Trump remedies these with a well placed tweet.

A couple of points here. First, you gotta give her credit for commitment to her racism. This isn’t just some chick carving a backwards “B” in her face and claiming BLM supporter did it, acid to the face is some next-level-shit! Secondly, those children are the product of not having a strong father-figure, when the

Yeah. The barn door is never broken until the horses get out.

This reminds me of an incident from my younger days. As a young Black man, I was what women would call a “pretty man”, I had large eye and high cheekbones, so I usually had some facial hair to “rugged-up” a bit. I was in Germany sitting in a McDonalds eating my food and doing some reading. The place was pretty full,

I know Fox News broke that term, but what she is doing is considered “Fair and Balanced” debate.

“As much as people have gotten involved in this, for me it’s very important that people understand that me and Teresa, we have a son, we have other children in the home that we are raising, and we have an obligation to protect our children,”

“It is not an overreaction when it comes to racism, everyone should act differently based on their opinions of what racism is,”

All Shazam needs now is to make the super suit animated and we have another “successful” Green Lantern movie.

The delineation for me is a party that wants to be inclusive of all races and fall short (Dems) and a party that wants to exclude all races and succeeds (GOP).

Didn’t they do something like this in She-Hulk?

“A lot of the libertarian/conservative groups in California have been created to deal with the violent and destructive activities of Antifa.”

“I wouldn’t go so far as calling Antifa members Hitler”