
Rice and the Utah Rep. Mia Love both make it clear they are Republicans. Both on the circuit towing the line while their male counterparts are in their shelters waiting for this to blow over.

Long overdue

Oh I know, it’s just tongue and cheek.

Well Biden did, sort of, apologize to Anita Hill.

Not a religious person, but if there was no real hope, we would never know the danger until the shackles were already on our wrists. Evil and ignorance tend to go hand in hand, if it didn’t we would truly be screwed.

The founder of Antifa

And the world is not flat. Since we’re talking about shit every rational person already knows.

Isn’t that all it is now?

Seriously. Biden/Winfrey. It just makes sense.

First of all, you can’t stop using hotel, I just discovered it’s current cultural meaning! I’m too old to find a new term. Secondly, words can have more than one definition in different contexts, did you know a “jack hole” is the indentation made by a car jack that lifts an oversized load? Ok, I made that last part

My only question is where the fuck is Public Enemy! The power is real and we still gotta fight it!

Count down to the next paid coon being pranced out in front of cameras to “explain” what he “really” meant.

This seems like one of those, “What’s the difference between a Black man and a N***er?” questions. I just never thought it would be asked to 9-year-olds. Good on Trameka for knowing the answer.

I don’t think the GOP is going to let Arpaio anywhere near that seat. It’s bad enough the President’s endorsment is already baked-in having pardoned this shit bird. A Senator Arpaio is what you get after seeing Roy Moore and someone saying, “Hold my beer!” The best thing about Arpaio running is that the serious GOP

Way to go Evan! Now is the time for Marvel to start considering some fresh new Black characters. We can’t keep writing BP, Storm, and Luke Cage forever.

I lable my sexuality (as most probably should) my own damn business. I say this insomuch that it’s not a topic that comes up in casual conversation.

“(And yet, I still find their McNuggets—more smooth crisp shell than battered coating—way better.)“

Nipsy Hussle? Who the hell is that?

Good or not good, there’s a point to be made that an all (mostly) Black superhero movie can work. Blade proved a Black lead can work, now this is a subgenre proof of concept. So go buy tickets as soon and as often as possible, I personally have a few more movies like this I would like to see in the future.

I guess now they understand why the Marvel Multiverse was important.