
The kind that takes this jokers picture and drops it into a google image search.

Come on. The “coming of age” thing is already being done by The Gifted and Runaways and soon to be Cloak and Dagger. It’s TV material at best because she doesn’t really have name recognition.

I understand these people as much as one should understand a mule. It’s a dumb animal, but the front-end bites and the back-end kicks. It hasn’t served an actual purpose in nearly a century and should probably only be found in a zoo.


So no Storm movie? Kitty Pride...really?

I suspected there would be a turd dropped into the Arizona Senate race, with Flake retiring and McCain...well you know. And here it is, the gift that will give the Dems another red seat.

There’s a huge reality-altering event called Avengers 4 that could be the entry point for all of the new franchises. The ultimate reboot!

I suspect he was high or just a moron.

Time to start talking with your wallets.

But will it still try to kill you?

First thought...Cool! Second thought...why?

Both points are valid. The affirmation when they do outreach when it doesn’t look like a publicity stunt.

What no “SJW” comments about Greatest American Hero yet? I’m disappointed.

Clearly, they are imprisoning super-villains who, with the right knowledge, could build a death-ray and escape. In all seriousness, they are trying to keep the prison population dumb, docile, and in poor health.

Funny how the students had to discover it. Background checks, what’s the point right?

Was listening to CNN on the way to work and Brian Stelter, who also saw Oprah’s speech as the first volley into a Presidential bid, posed the idea of Biden/Winfrey 2020. At first I thought, why not Winfrey/Biden, but he had a point about Biden bringing the political familiarity and Oprah, the star power. He also

I don’t know. I feel some kinda way about this. I loves Sons of Anarchy (way more than I should), but I feel like this in now way going to meet the huge expectations and in some way take away from how good Sons was.

Looks cool. I just can’t get over the Japanese disco music though.

Ignore that sucking sound, it’s just Bannon trying to get back into the White House.

Oh that ship has sailed.