
I hear Jews are pretty racist to Nazis. What? Nazis aren’t a race? Well that’s racist! LOL!

First of all - Best comedy EVER! Secondly, what you are seeing is an administration that didn’t think it would actually win. No one would’ve given two squirts about them talking to Russians if they had lost and Hillary wouldn’t have been petty enough to go after them. Now that they actually won, they had to cobble

Any discussion about race that starts with me being assigned representativeship of my entire race is no discussion I will even bother with.

Lets hold off on giving Spicy his halo back, he admitted to screwing up none of what we all know he did wrong as press secretary, particularly lying to the American people.

Doogie Houser better have a (several) medical degree and an office before I would let him near me.

Yeah, In Europe they still expect a picture of you on your resume. My wife showed me hers and I was like WTF?! Yeah, she susepcts she lost a few jobs because some guys wanted a hotter looking employee. Gotta give it to the US, that shit would definately not fly here.

I like Bernie, but his policies were a fantasy in the current political climate. The best thing that could be said for Hillery was at least things wouldn’t have gotten worse and that’s saying a lot considering Congressional opposition.

It has always surprised me that Popeye’s never got into the buffalo wings game.

Yeah the one saving grace will be that everyone with a vote have become political scholars, data researchers, and historians. Fear makes wise men of us all.

Let that shit sink in....

Where did DC go wrong? They tried to “humanize” their characters for starters. DC has always had characters that were “larger than life”, they should have played that up. Also, just because Marvel did it first, doesn’t mean its a bad thing to copy. The cinematic universe format that Marvel used works because it helps

Bannon see the writing on the wall, has for quite some time. He is looking at where he will land post-Trump. He wants to torpedo the kids without alienating the fathers base. Any rational observer would call BS, but these are Trump supporters so you mileage may vary. The unexpected consequences may be that this book

Thats the thing, while we have been focused on Presidential elections, the real fight has been at the state and local levels. Congress has to confirm these clowns, but the fix has been in since 2010. Say what you want, but the GOP has been playing a long-game that has come to fluition. It will take a generation to

Well that two-timin ass...!

You say “surprisingly wrong” I say “surprisingly right”he cleared that other car like KITT on turbo boost!

Still can’t hear over all the yelping.

I am honored to get my very own troll! I hope that rock didn’t hurt too bad when it hit you. You seem to be yelping pretty loud.

If this is the hill Sessions wants to die on, by all means.

Another case of “Allthingsbeingequal-itis”. Ask those same people what it means to be a minority in America and they will give you a detailed explanation of population size.

Yeah I totally hated how they wrote him in the original Civil War, like some kind of trigger happy lunatic.