
A lot of people think the Punisher is just a sense-less killer, quite the opposite is true, he’s quite a sensible killer. You don’t stay one step ahead of cop, feds, and people who can knock over buildings without have some kind of clue.

“According to the Pew Research Center the US accepted approximately 3.5 million refugees since 1975,”

“As for Germany being some cultural bastion of enlightenment and greatness, they need to take a very hard look at how they treat their refugees”

Good point. Anything he says to Muller will be front page on Breitbart

Bannon is looking at life after Trump. He doesn’t want to alienate Trump supporters, but realizes where the tide is leading to. The question is if he has already testified in the Muller investigation? If so, he probably has a good idea that Kushner is in the cross-hairs, beyond his natural contempt for him. If they

I think Slender Man has untapped potential, if done right. An entity that preys on the suicidal urges of children, or even better, instills those urges when they are young and then harvest them later (not knowing really where they’re actually going with it). It could be good, at least as good an another creepy ghost

As long as you don’t count skinheads, the KKK, the Arean Brotherhood, or anyone in the Alt-Right you might be right.

Really? So now you know all about me? And by “impact” you mean agreement with your flawed sentiment? The only group of people that hate Nazis nearly as much as Jews are Germans. Having to deal with the idea that their culture is still awash with Nazi sentiment, by outsiders that know little to nothing about common

Seems very “Photochopped” to me.

Scott thinks the villain is the robot. The villains are the aliens that are spreading across inhabited space. The story should be about grizzled Marines going from planet to planet fighting a losing battle to beat back the flood of aliens, with no clue as to how they manage to get from one world to the next. Add the

Trump’s look is like the devil securing another soul and Romney lookes like he just got busted with a hooker.

“Trump will not have a friend in Romney should take Hatch’s seat.”

More Nazis in the US these days.

I can tell from your comment that you’re onw of those “America First, therefore everyone else is wrong” folks. I suggest you reread the history of the Civil Rights movement. Und ich weise ganz genau was geht ins Deutchland, weil ich hab die leste 23 jahre da gelebt, hab eine Deutche frau un vier Deutche kinder.

Because it was all good in the US after the war right? Equal rights for everybody right? Oh wait..

Just a reminder, “Crazy =/= Stupid”. It’s all a ploy.

I’d put Germany’s record since the war against the United States any day.

It’s been a slope they’ve been on for the last 40 years then, since any open references to Nazis have been banned for that long.

Does the “Blue” really blind them that much? So much that even a Black cop can’t understand the visuals of a Black woman being pulled over for no reason?

So who’s getting fired? Newsweek issues an apology tantamount to “Whoops!” and that’s supposed to be it?