
Northern Virginia is like that too.

I’ve lived in military communities where integration is mandatory. You don’t get the choice to live and work among your own “kind”, so you tend to get those that either realize the racist BS they held onto as civilians was stupid, or those who hold onto it, keeping it so under wraps you’d think they were closet

I live in a majority Black community of homeowners in Kentucky, not much more than the occasional noise ordinance here, so I don’t see your point.

Honest answer? As long as you understand that for good or ill, all men are created equal, the only thing you need to do is spread the word, fight against misinformation, and hold true to the real spirit of equality that the nation was supposed to be and not the failed attempt we see today.

Purely objective observation, but it seems southern Blacks tend to “self-segregate” more so than northern. Even when they are more affluent, you tend to see communities of affluent Blacks and communities of affluent Whites. How else can states that have huge Black populations be firmly under Republican control if the

She might as well get her piece of the name, Puffy’s been using it like an ATM since he died.

Nice to hear the internet doing something good from time to time.

Man! This show is a criminal waste of Craig Robinson’s talent.

The moral of this story? Either pay your taxes or stop thinking like a migrant worker. You pay a day laborer to mow your lawn in cash “under the table”, not thousands of dollars in rap money. Like someone said off-shore accounts, maybe tied to LLCs so you can simply pay yourself a salary and deduct your own pay as a

This is the verse he should’ve quoted! “Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and goodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper, and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison

Only person he really can give up is Drump himself.

“If a dear jumps out in the road...” An autonomous vehicle would see it much sooner than a human and would’ve communicate the change in speed to other vehicles in enough time to slow traffic. People still can’t wrap their heads around how this works and tend to interpret their arguments in humans terms.

While Yon-Rogg is an ok villain, it should’ve been Ronan the Accuser, but that ship has sailed hasn’t it?

“Poor Ollie, always feeling like he’s compensating for something.” Isn’t that the point of “Arrow”, sorry “Green Arrow”? To compensate for not being Batman?

A license in Germany can cost 1500EUR with the required driving courses and is good for life, and yet you still see people driving like asses on the autobahn. Even in the light of harsh German penalties for traffic violations, you just can’t regulate a sense of value into some people.

What’s probably going to happen first is autonomous lanes on the highways. When more and more people see them zipping by them while they stand in a traffic jam, the lanes will be wider and wider to accommodate more people using them. Of course, busses, taxis, and emergency vehicles will be the first adopters, but a

Oddly enough, your GPS seems to remember that there is a road there even when it snows. Higher fidelity GPS can even tell how wide the road is and where the markings are and if the weather is too bad for GPS mapping, just a high detail map stored on the cars hard drive will do the trick.

You know, if you volunterily put a bullseye on yourself, don’t be surprised if someone decides to take a shot.

I think the love comes more from being able to get from “A” to “B” without drama. Car guys tend to wrench their own shit and think wrenching their shit is somehow part of driving, but for most, changing the oil and maybe a set of winter tires is all the mechanical attention they want to give their vehicle. Most people

Boris Kodjoe. Like my kids, both Black and German. Now I would never want my kids to reject their German heritage and honestly outside of the US, most people are more concerned with the “American” in African-American, than the African, because, you know...actual Africans. Here in America, they know how they are