
Don’t just “Stay Black”, but pass it on. Be the example you want to see in others.

My kids keep trying to get us to play Cards Against Humanity. I have, what’s probably, an irrational distrust of this game.

Only to do a HCC (Hot chick check)

The word of the year is "Complicit" and it's never been truer.

Unfortunately, not enough effort is being made against the Trump brand. There’s still the travesty of his name being on the old Post office in DC.

I have to admit, I’m late to the terminology, but I’ve experienced it since bellbottoms and disco. It’s good to have an actual word for it.

Is this the one that wanted to shoot himself into orbit with a homemade rocket? How did they not let that happen?!

After the first life sentence without parole, what’s really the point of giving someone more life sentences? At that point it’s really just symbolic.

Anything that starts with you paying someone to come to your home to rub you comes with all the assumed negative connotation one would expect. I’m surprised it took this long.

The whole marriage was a publicity stunt gone horribly, irreversibly wrong.

This puts liberal ethics to the test. I for one, say Left or Right, if you did the crime, you do the time (or public shunning or such). Both parties have their share of groppy old men who are slow to the party of inappropriate sexual behavior, but the real test is how we deal with it.

Not everybody, but I could see police and fire and rescue getting them first.

That feature is reserved for SHIELD.

Is there a championship trophy for playing yourself? Here is a perfect example of Olympic-class self-asskickery!

This was my proposal using the working title The Marvel Universe Online

You mean something like this?

Sorry, but it’s a stupid story and bad art.

“The More You Want, The Poorer You’ll Feel”

My idea

Now’s the time for a REAL MARVEL UNIVERSE ONLINE Game!