
Lets remember, Marvel could have made the effort to keep Bendis and clearly didn’t. That says volumes.

Cough*Dilithium Crystal*Cough!

This cast is inspired! Black and White, it’s like Disney finally shook off the stink of Walt Disney.

I can see why he didn’t like working with Batman. Batman tends to treat partners like chess pieces with the same amount of respect. It’s easy to take the wrong way, or the right way for that matter.

That Roddy Piper moment when the shades go on for the first time...

I think that bumper guard saved his life. Without it, that dear could’ve flown right through the windshield.

When it gets that Fantastic Four vib from fans and critics, you might want to consider cutting your loses earlier on.

Common sense isn’t as common as one might think.

Which would be great if they had the budget for a CG She-Hulk.

Only if we get a Great Lakes Avengers movie soon after.

I think for many Black folks, we were already connecting dots Trump +1 day. That’s actually the easy part, the hard part is what to do about it.

If I said once, I say it a 100 times, no drug dealer can compete with Walgreens! Legalized weed and the power of retail distribution will make the drug scene as dangerous as buying a pack of Paul Mauls and a bottle of Boons.

My daughter asked me what the reaction would be if she went as Angela Davis here in (rural) Kentucky? My explanation ranged from bewilderment and life-threatening.

I think the entire next MCU phase should be comedies starting with a She-Hulk movie.

The problem is states like Alabama are the epicenter of a “self-enslavement” mentality. Why would Black people like in a state like that? Because they were born and raised there for generations and those generations pave passed along a certain “this is how it’s always been” attitude that even after the Civil Rights

Yeah, that’s a complete re-forge, pistons, valves, the whole shebang. It includes parts, labor, and they even brake it in and dyno it, so all I have to do is pick it up and drive off.

In other news: Karma! It truly is a Bitch!

That the word “Hotep” never came up in this list is a little disappointing.

This is an easy litmus test. Anyone who has willing accepted a position in this administration, without coercion, and having heard this President speak are automatically without moral compass. There is no wall against chaos, there are only people with agendas that need this President to not kill us all before they can

When Did Ben Carson become a “Black Leader”? Did I miss another vote? As a HUD Secretary, Carson makes a good brain surgeon and wouldn’t be qualified to carry Aunt Maxine’s water let alone be consider a “Black leader”!