
The problem in most cases is not that you don’t know something, it’s not knowing what you don’t know. Assuming you have a grasp of shit you have no clue about so that you can seem relevant is even more dangerous than raw ignorance.

Let remember that Trump made a world-renowned brain surgeon not Surgeon General, but Secretary of Ghettos, because, you know...Black.

20" staggered Vossens. It’s a fucking shark! I can’t express how ridiculously fast this thing is, even stock. I got a place that wants to put a 1000hp motor in it for $14K and I am seriously considering it. I used to be a S-Class fan until I found this beast, now I’m hooked!

Maybe this will help

As many have said, this car is really dependent on how well it was maintained. A high-end vehicle like this won’t let you slide on the routine maintenance. You have to keep on top of it although “dealer maintained” isn’t required, it helps with the resale value. As an owner of this exact model, I can tell you that

Currently these algorithms can only tell what you like or don’t like to determine your interests. Wait until they can read what you post online and understand your point of view of the topics you read online. That’s when you will get that “Black Mirror” level of cyber presence.

Posted this entire article over on Bloomberg (with credits of course). I get the feeling the crowd over there never bother to seek a rebuttal to their point o0f view.

Bye Felicia!

I’ll categorize this as one of those “Ask a Black person if this seems racist before you run with it” moments.

Not a big secret in Brazil that the “lighter the righter”. Dark-skinned Brazilians have always had to deal with prejudice. I’ve just never seen it so blatant before.

Well as soon as the “Negro Association Committee” in prison finds out, I’m sure they will revoke his membership in the most uncomfortable way possible.

If I have to haul four asses, and a trunk load of cash on a high speed chase that may exceed 100mph for an extended period of time, I choose a Mercedes CLS 63 AMG. Supercharged, 4-door V-8 that goes 0 - 60 in 4.3 seconds and that German engineering that lets you keep it over 100 for as long as you can keep your foot

Hawkeye is the Skrull, his whole family are Skrulls.

As cool as she was in Logan, a whole movie about a snarling 10-year-old with claws and a healing factor will get old fast. And lets not forget the cinematics of that same 10-year-old catching all those bullets that were flying at Wolverine. Healing factor or no, do we really want to see a kid get riddled with bullets?

I think the question of where it falls in the timeline (hahahaha!) will start to become a real issue. The X-Men and the Brotherhood are gone, is this the same incident referenced in Logan? Is this more in line with DOFP? The question of where the show is going has a lot to do with where they actually are.

Too bad for Tom that Facebook seems to be in a “cooperate with the Feds” kinda mood these days. I’m sure the FBI will look at threatening a sitting Congress woman as just a few “yuks” online...right?

Yeah, that was “packet at value” as they say.

Ya know, I refrained from commenting on this simply because it seemed weird the guy would just turn himself in. I guess it paid off.

Short answer: It can’t!

All my friends who like this show seem to be bigger Wars fans and when I point out all the blaring inconsistencies in the canon and the characters, they are more than willing to just wave it off. Funny thing, just don’t mention the prequels or “medichlorians”.