
I could crush the Fantastic Four remake from beginning to end with criticism, but Inhumans makes me hate it even more because of the good ideas in it that are wrapped neatly in a blanket of crap! Karnak’s ability is great, his fighting, not so much, Gorgon’s personality is spot on, but his look is off-putting (let the

Morally better? How about legally questionable. Who’s to say a man would not have died had the police not fired first?

I pray something like this is never necessary again.

They started firing first.

After they began firing on him first.

My discussion on FB on the video

The problem is that in established IPs, there is an aversion to taking significant risks. This make movies like this nostalgia platforms offering little more than the same movie with new faces.

I get it. Networks tend to get skittish and are willing to drop a show at the first sign of trouble.

Yeah, they say it explicitly in the commercials that this is set in the X-Men movie verse.

Did you create an account here just to make this post? LOL! I guess I should feel honored...or something.

“Ah, Dixie Highway. It’s never really far, is it?” As someone living in Kentucky (unfortunately) I can say it isn’t.

The illusion of a fighting chance, how progressive of them.

I think the biggest issue in mutant issue in society was how the distinction between the Mutant Registration Act and the Superhuman Registration Act. Scott mentioned it during AvX, but it was mostly glossed over since. I think a lot of people don’t understand why there is a distinction between Mr. Fantastic and The

The perspective reminds me of R.A.D, Robotic Alchemic Drive.

Try to read my statement like a Vulcan would. It was more an observation than condemnation, but points for “Jesus titty-fucking christ”.  

Seems to try a little too hard to not be ToS.

Really? No one else seems surprised. Of course Marvel is going to get as much return on the popularity of the character as they can. It’s the same reason Tony Stark is everywhere. 

I’m not sure who just co opted the #NFLboycott movement. Was it Donald Trump who just advocated boycotting the NFL or if it was the owners who just came out in opposition to Trump? What I do know is that no one if going to care about the nuance reasons behind the boycott, but the end result. When the choices are

Because there’s “going to Warp” and “being at warp”. The going to and coming out of warp are the dangerous parts.

This was a pretty good version.