
My Fantastic Four MCU pitch

This discussion isn’t about feminism or even race, it’s about being a hero. Being a doesn’t mean striving to be great, you are already great, it means looking “below” to those who have not yet achieved greatness and trying to elevate them. There is always a group striving to uplift themselves and helping them doesn’t

Kevin Hart isn’t getting laid because he’s cute or tall. Hmmm, what could it be? Maybe it’s his bank account?

I really hope Kevin Hart has money put away. There’s an old saying about comedians, “you can tell when your career is coming to an end when your life is more of a joke than your act”.

I love this one, the Flash game, and the unmade Avengers game. They were all trying to make games ahead of their time. I think games are moving toward continuous development thought DLCs and game packs. Me personally, I think Open-world RPGs are the future of gaming. Keeping people employed through an

I want to be a fly on the wall in the locker room as he tries to explain that shit to all those big Black linemen that are supposed to block for his ass.

Titles a little misleading. Shit is definitely going south, but DoD hasn’t put out any official directives yet.

Well it seems like he wants ESPN to apologize, which is more likely to happen.

Perry made one movie and has been recycling it ever since.

How much of that is the makeup and how much is Rihanna? 

The difference is that White movies have the luxury of occasionally be shitty movies. Every Black movie has to be award-worthy to justify it’s existence.

Being from DC and having family there, it’s easy to see gentrification first hand. There is a question of where do Black folks live who have money? I have a uncle that live in what I call an “island” of nice houses in an otherwise shady part of S.E. He hates the changes that gentrification has brought, but not so

“Also, I will not be moving to PG county anytime soon. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemies.”

I don’t think so. HG blocks Macross in the US, but I don’t think that works the other way round. Outside of the US, Robotech and Macross are two separate entities.

Good picks. Not really good sequel pick though. Would be hard getting that group back for a part 2.

Oh he knows he the “elite”. Him and others like Alex Jones simply play to the low, sloping foreheads that think they have someone on the “inside”. It’s all manipulation of public opinion.

Man this is the show that Nathan Fillion should have starred in. MacFarlane writes great comedy, but has the charisma of a text book. The worse part was that he brought along a crew of actors that were equally 2 dimensional. Each of these roles would have been gold had they been cast by better talent. I really wanted

Right?! I thought so too, but it seems Russians and Black folks seem to intersect a lot.

True story. I got to work along side Russian soldiers while as a US contractor in Kosovo. First of all Kosovo (still a war zone) was a R&R spot for them coming from Chechnya, and the ones stations there gave zero “f”s about peacekeeping. The stories about them bringing “comfort girls” with them into the field were
