
With the Arrowverse, DC is doing what Marvel did with the movies. The genius about it is that if any one show dips in the ratings, they just do a crossover, forcing viewers to shift to that show for continuity.

Oh there is no TV budget that would do The Fantastic Four justice! Just get that notion out of your head!

I think that’s the other-way-round. If they put real money into these shows, they would get the ratings.

Low quality. Anything superhero has to come with an appropriate budget.

Funny thing is the Mouse doesn’t seem to be spending any money on Marvel TV.

Had to steal that one.

My obligatory Fantastic Four MCU pitch

I know this isn’t a popular stance, but Leto’s Joker is actually very good. Every screen Jokers seems to be a reflection of the time they were created. Leto’s version had to stand out from the shadow of Ledger’s version and he did so by making his insanity more purpose-driven. Ledger’s Joker seemed to be more chaos

Married to a German, I’m partial to Germany, but admittedly, the Germans have become jaded with there being so many American military bases. I like Holland, they speak English even better then the average German, there’s a huge African community in the major cities, and the actually like Americans, to the extent they

And we wonder why Mnunchin didn’t say after Trumps tirade? He’s the kind of Jew other Jews hate, the worse kind of stereotype.

Whenever someone comes to me with the “What about Black-on-Black crime” line, I retort with, “Black-on-Black crime is a Black-on-Black discussion”

It’s not bird poop, it’s “Freedom Poop”!

The Boot monument?!!! Really? They had to give him something for the battle of Saratoga, but it doesn’t even name him...why? Say it with me...because he’s a traiter!

Tell you what, the day they erect a statue for Benedict Arnold, you might have a point.

“That’s a mark against them, but that doesn’t obviate all the good they did.”

The Founding Fathers at least didn’t take up arms against the US.

Cause a bunch of vandals hijack the name of an old European movement and all of a sudden, they are supposed to be as bad as the KKK.

People outside the US think folks in the military somehow cracked the code on how to function in a multiracial society. While it’s true that military communities are more integrated and there’s a higher percentage of interracial couples in the military, it’s not due to any EEO program or cultural outreach. The key is

Just so you know. I’m borrowing all of this! I don’t even know where I will need it, but when wise words present themselves, I feel it my duty to proliferate them!

Yeah, he does it subconsciously. It’s the same instinct that lets him know how much force to apply against an opponent.