
“The FBI already labels ANTIFA a domestic terrorist organization and is actively investigating it. “

A worthy game of whack-a-mole or whack-a-Nazi. The point is the FBI already know who the major players already are, it’s just a matter of putting the same effort apprehending them that we do with suspected terrorist.

You want to solve the problem, weakening free speech isn’t the answer, classifying these hate groups as terrorist organizations is. The acts over the weekend, in one fell swoop, could get the KKK, Neo Nazis, and White Supremacist labeled terror groups, preventing them from organizing, proliferating and or dealing in

An elderly German once told me, “Hitler didn’t take Germany, it was given to him.”

I officially don’t want to hear another discussion about how minorities never police their own communities. When ever there is a terror attack, they look at the Muslim communities and suggest they don’t do enough to denounce terror. Well guess what? I think there’s internal reflection to go around.

My wife is German and you know who hates Nazis almost as much as Jews? Germans! For them it’s a national shame that they still can’t get past to this day. The difference for them is that they never put up statues to commemorate that time in their history.

That’s some BS false equivalency if I ever say it. Prove that that guy that shot at the GOP was a member of a group and you might have a point. Antifa is just some outdate nomenclature someone put out to give White Supremacist cover.

The Poster Child of Antifa!

As an employee of the US government, we are told that we are representatives of the US, especially oversees. This goes the same for employees of a global corporation. You represent that company, in word and deed, especially in company correspondence. I’m sure Google’s laid back work atmosphere could make one think

Seriously? What are Americans doing to these cars that this is so unusual? Ask any German and he’ll tell you a decently maintained Benz should take you over 200K and not even brake a sweat. Sure 400K is probably top end for an AMG, but really serious engine issues are probably low on the list of things that would be

Not to condone violence, but all it takes is one of the ransomware hackers to wind up in a landfill to stop all this madness.

When all the fans said the Fantastic Four was going to suck, they were told to just wait till you see it, the trailers aren’t doing it justice, etc. The fans want a production that shows that they care about the source material and not some artistic interpretation of it or some focus-grouped, diluted, and marketable

People are like cockroaches with wrenches. We were adaptable before we could use tools, but now, nothing short of a mile-wide asteroid is doing to get rid of us.

I think a combination of real and CGI hair would have made it better.

The problem with this show is that those who produced it, don’t really know the history of the Inhumans. If they did, they would have gone back to the original experiments performed on prehistoric humans by the Kree, the deeper ties to the Kree empire and possibly the war with the Skrulls. If I were to write it, the

I wonder why people seem to find it hard to believe a company would low-ball employees? “Be thankful you have a job at all”. Is that what the standard is now? Seems very likely the union attempt failed because the Nissan made that point clear and people accept questionable working standards just to keep a job.

No Blacks are no more or less racist than any other group, but in America, they are less likely to be in a position of authority to show bias based on race. 

Everybody dies, then everybody doesn’t.

I’m fine with a show whose sole purpose is to make Kevin James look like a goofball. And Leah Remini is one of the few TV wives I actually liked.

Oh this is the kind of thing you just can’t make up. Love it!