
This is a good BSG game? I don’t see where I can climb into my custom Viper, trade goods within the fleet, or infiltrate a Basestar. How is this a good game?

There is no such thing as “over rated” on a road that has no speed limit even if it is on a limited basis. 

In Europe, you buy your car in Italy, but you drive it in Germany.

Hey remember when Marvel had actual villains? I guess with heroes like these...

Ahh Ben Carson! Instead of making a renowned brain surgeon Surgeon General, Trump made him Secretary of Ghettos , because you know, him being Black and all. The rest of this list are nothing more than opportunists selling out for that “15 minutes of fame”. There are the folks in the rap industry that thought Trump

I know the comics portray him as jumping from rooftop to rooftop taking out random criminals in nothing but a spandex batsuit and some gadgets, but even a ninja wouldn’t last longer than a week if that were the case. Im sure Batman is like any other master strategist in that he plans his every move, knows every

I’m sure Northstar could help with that.

Coulson is a Skrull!

Everyone complaining that folks are taking the hair thing too seriously, that the power itself is silly. So this is where you want to plant your flag? This si the hill you wish to die on? A raccoon with a machine gun or a walking tree that says three words was just par for the course, but animated hair is a bridge too

So one part of UBisoft pitching to HQ? No hard to make a good pitch when you already have money to make it.

You see it as a debate. I see it as a celebration of fandom. There are no Star Wars only or Star Trek only fans, there are Sci Fi fans

Ever since she lost to Obama in 2008, the GOP knew who the next target would be and had plenty of time to build the narrative they wanted against her. They have been running against her since she became Secretary of State.

If you get most of the White vote, you can easily snag enough contrarians and economic conservatives to win. Hispanics are historically conservative and when you start talking about illegal immigration, they don’t associate themselves with “those Mexicans” any more than anyone else. This win was cultivated over the

See now that’s a great idea.

Is that gonna be a thing?

“If I’m passed over for a promotion, it’s probably because I didn’t work hard enough “

Agreed! And I think they are doing a great job. We can hope an equal amount of serious consideration is given to the idea a successful African nation as was given to a land full of Elves or a raccoon with a machine gun.

It’s a smart move that happens to fall inline with other MCU movies that don’t outright use the character name of their villains.

“Must be so simple to live in a world in which everything can be blamed on people cheating you because of your skin color.”

Too much truth here! They are desperate to pass any legislation, they will let Trump get away with anything as long as they can claim plausible deniability. Losing the House and Senate in 2018 is the only thing they will respond to, but then it wont matter, because if that happens, Articles of Impeachment will happen