
It will never, ever, not in a million years happen, but wouldn't it be amazing if Bush just wandered into Switzerland and got picked up by the feds there like those journalists did in Iran? Would make an incredible mockumentary. Think Mr. Bean, but with Bush in Liederhosen, hiking in the alps before being caught and

What I want to know is how bad of a boyfriend was this guy? Everybody's harping on the girl (as well they should, it's over the top mean) but it takes 2 to tango and this guy, just from the plain, unedited photo, looks like a whiny pain in the ass. It's easy to pick on the girl - but what about him??

Release a patch and let us run XBMC or whatever we'd like and turn it into an HTPC. It'd give me a great reason to plug it in and use it again - seeing as how I never got a ps3.

Look! She's not anorexic, she's not in stripper heels, she's not on all fours with her butt in the air and a slutty expression on her face - she's sweet and naken and flirtatious. In my humble opinion, this kind of porn helps the appreciation of women - at least when compared to the glossy over the top sexualized b.s.

So then, Maria Wood sues for sexual discrimination but then decides hey! Is still like to be in the reunion photo??

@spider2544: Prolly. Im kind of a non conformist with video though. I know its not mainstream, but I like the limitations imposed by things like phone cameras, or in this case, the ipad camera. We may never see an Avatar filmed with an iPad camera, but people are making music videos and shorts with iPhone cameras -

@fughedaboudit: Why not? And the iphone camera isn't that bad. They should be able to make a better one for the ipad, given the less tight space constraints.

They should have just made the next couple of movies about them freeing more and more minds because they had Neo on their side. With the Machines loosing their batteries left and right, they'd eventually agree to some kind of a joint custody arrangement. That's when the script would take a right turn and becomes a

pple won't do it, but with the tons of extra space available in an iPad, they should really throw in a 1080p camera on the back. Digital cameras are already all about the small displays, so much so that optical view finders are going the way of the dinosaur on all but the high end models. Imagine a 10 inch retina

@iMattv4: But lets be honest. We all want the vibrator upgrade, makes Pantsing the iPad2 a more enjoyable experience.

Palm Palm Palm... I had your organizers for years and LOVED them. Then I had your Treo and LOVED it. But then... things just kinda went to hell. The endless rounds of rebranding, the shoddy or nonexistent upgrades, so on and so forth. You even came out with the Pre and Pixi phones, which were solid contenders, but

Massachusettes drivers are so bad we have a term for them: Massholes.

If Franklin was around today, I'm pretty sure he'd look/act like Woz. Just my theory.

A girlfriend of mine had a great observation - could this be Heff's subliminal way to sabotage interest in "healthy" sized women (aka Hendricks) to lean people towards his ideal woman, the blonde bimbo? I really think these are the least flattering photos I've ever seen of her. Like they went out of their way to ruin

That is awesome. Makes my day! :)