I'm really happy with your choice for the phone of the show - the Atrix seems to be a proof of concept that is winning people over. Version 2.0 ought to solve some of those issues. Things I'd like to see?
I'm really happy with your choice for the phone of the show - the Atrix seems to be a proof of concept that is winning people over. Version 2.0 ought to solve some of those issues. Things I'd like to see?
Nice job with the lead graphic for this post BTW Giz :) PhotoShop skillz, you has them.
@shoroko: Yes. Thank you!
Love it! I'm a soapaholic. I hate liquid soaps - esp. the stuff you use in the kitchen. is the handle mounted on a spring for fast gratin' action??
I am not a Palin fan in the least - and I do find her tactics disgusting. I don't, however, believe we should use the argument that her statements incited this induvidual to commit murder - that logic is as flawed as the logic that Marilyn Manson was responsible for Columbine. It's like the same twisted event all over…
I'm not going to weigh in on the abortion issue, or the right-to-choose-your-child's-gender issue, but she should remember that not every child born a boy ends up as one. She might have already gotten her wish, just not reaped it yet. Time will tell.
@Communist Pope: Did you go android? I haven't been let down by my Evo. I just wish the app market would catch up in terms of games and quality apps.
@Jonathan Espinal: Is... is that from Wild Wild West?
Slots are the Farmville of the casino - brain dead, stupid simple with no real point and transparent "incentives" to keep on playing. Still, if you're one to be entertained by flashing lights and blinking buttons, it's harmless enough for most people.
What's cooler than eating in a resteraunt in a cave?
@Destronok: How did he do that? That's really cool. Off to google!
@Netscott: Is that a real case? b/c if so, I'd get one, and I don't even own an iphone4!
@LiquidBeef: Exxxxcellent.
@Yournamehere!: You wont be banned if you calmly and rationally explain yourself. If you troll, you'll roll - right on outta here. And rightly so.
Sam, thats what's called an "underground" storefront - the booth looks like crap on purpose to keep the riff raff at bay. You go thru the white curtain to find a fat guy on a bench on the other side with a laptop. Give him the password - which is "fan" - and he leads you to the real booth. Where they sell rediculously…
Little Miss Sunshine had it right about pageants. Cree-to-the-py.
@Kat@Work: Yeah that's... god that's just creepy!!
@nobodyr: Ooooooooh.
@LaBing: Wahlberg, shirtless in Date Night. That is all.