
I just want the upgrade where I get to race against a virtual me to try to beat my own best time. Layar integration? Oooh! And I should be able to pick what "I" look like - a photo-real "me" to race against, or a Mii, or maybe Princess Peach from Mario Kart? If I could shell bomb her too It'd be rad.

i *love* this concept and hope someone comes out for something similar for my Evo! (unlikely, but I can hope!)

They called it the Cinemin? That's really cute, and tasty on buttered toast. I've got a great idea - why not release an ipad case with a picoprojector/extended battery built in? Make the projector shine out of the big apple logo on the back for extra points!

Awesome! All it needs is a mailbox outside so I can finally begin my steamy romance with Keanu Reeves via a time paradox.

Seriously, give me that app and I'll devote my 3 old spare computers to data crunching the results full time, 24/7/365. I want to be known as a planet discoverer too!!

Character actors and supposedly B, C and D level actors (I hate all those terms) often do more to make a movie work, in my opinion, than the big stars plastered on the poster. Pete, you were one of the best of the best. Godspeed. :)

@PierceTheVin: I vote for tomgirl, I think it does the job nicely without being particularly mean.

@LilyHammer: Agreed, I really respect the parents for putting their money where their mouth is in terms of actively promoting acceptance and diversity, but Dyson seems to me to be a tad... exploited? Wrong word? It seems to me he's being made into a poster child and that's not what I'd ever want for my kid, even if I

Meh. Sometimes library design speaks to me, sometimes not. This for me is a not. I prefer libraries that look more ancient than modern - even if they have a modern flair, like the Jay Walker library Giz promoted a while back.

@Arken: If you consider blood red, never blinking, tiny little creepy eyes cute.

This is the epic story of how Ms. Muffins first got laid, post-transition.

@slick171: Thats a great interpretation.


I am ashamed to admit it, because I try very hard to be that person who refuses to be offended by art. But I hated this fucking video. I found it offensive. After his half an hour long runaway video, where he used imagery to such great effect, here it really came across to me as exploitative. Lets kill scores of women

@Jadis4742: Declared you disabled? Im confused. Best wishes for a better 2011 tho!

That woman is all I wanna be at 101.

@morphoyle: !! I had the BIGGEST crush on Dax growing up! Thank you for reminding me! hehe... happy thoughts. :)