
Just for a second, a fleeting second, I hoped that this image was the start of a worldwide shift to show women as women, as they are, freckles and all. And for that fleeting second, I was happy it started on Gizmodo.

Seriously? You mean to tell me that after all those "secret" top level meetings el Jobso had with Newspaper exec's to get them onboard with ipad-friendly magazines/newspapers, after the media storm proclaiming the iPad as the possible savior of "print" journalism, that Apple won't even allow a subscription model for

So let me get this straight. He's paranoid about the apocalypse but readily tells a magazine with millions of subscribers where he lives and where he runs, alone, every day? Riiiight.

@the susan: Well, as a vet tech, surely you have access to all sorts of animals who could defend you? Set up an obstacle course to baricade yourself behind. Level one: dogs. (Big dogs.) Level two: Cats. (Big, big cats.) Levl three: Hippopotami? I hear they're vicious!

Meh. My momma wouldn't allow a nintendo into her house until I was 12 - something about kids needing to be outside running around instead of being cooped up indoors.... As they say, real life is the best 3D.

Little did baby Noel realise that he was already pre-enrolled at Hogwart's US-equivilant, the Salem School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, pending his 11th birthday. Chin up little Noel, our hearts belong to you. For someday soon, you will battle evil in an epic fight to determine the fate of all American Muggles.

I'm conflicted on this. I considered getting the latest itouch 4g b/c of the retina display and the best app library for games. This phone has neither... I currently have an evo and love it - I use poweramp to listen to my music now. So my only reason to even consider an itouch are the 2 previous reasons.

Boston is the same way! I took a walk with a friend at 3 in the morning just to get out of the house (we were up late). I love how eerily quiet it can be in the middle of a snow storm - not even the sound of wind, even though you can clearly see the snow coming down hard. Everything is so still and peaceful. We walked

@Salacion: no, lesson to be learned: set a spending limit and don't be a tool. :) if I walked you into best buy and said "happy birthday, shopping spree time!", I'm pretty sure you'd go off the hook too! It's not a male or female thing, its a don't-set-yourself-up-to-be-disappointed thing.

@Colonel Muffin: Hmmmmm a fellow Muffin, eh? How you doin, Colonel?

God, that lead image reminds me SO MUCH of that dog from the Flight of the Navigator! Remember that movie? It opens with David playing frisbee with his dog?

My holiday gift giving guide, broken down as quickly as possible:

And for those flights where you don't have the ability to sit or use a tray table, I suggest your smart phone or tablet.

@dweill: Well, it's like the cell phone companies. They all suck so hard, that choosing one is basically a game of who sucks the least. Same with cable. I hate comcast/xfinity, but given the options, I'm going back to comcast.

I think the image pretty much says it all.

@Ninety-9: For christmas, print out instructions on nice stationary and frame it. Hang the framed instructions on the wall next to their computer setup with great fanfare. Done and Done.

@charlie.savas: LOL I can hear her voice! LOL Good luck to you sir. I hope you were drinking good beer. Life's too short for PBR.