
@tinkertank: Electrical fire from glued plug in outlet that burns down house = problem solved.

Meh, though devious I'd be worried about breaking the screen. Just pick up Thinkgeek's Annoy-A-Tron for a few bucks and hide it in their office, preferably in a wall/ceiling/somewhere inaccessible. I've done it to an old horrible boss just before I left the company. Last I heard he still hadn't found the source of the

@dweill: Please don't do RCN. I have them now and they are awful. The cable box UI looks like it was designed in powerpoint and is s-l-o-w. I'm in boston so I don't know if other areas have the same issues, byut in August they changed their contract to a $250 disconnect fee if you break before 1 year. In a college

I like the cats eyes one the best.

Get a leatherman - there is no tool holier, no tool cooler and no tool more multifunctionable than a good leatherman. And yes, I'm including those swiss army knives in with that. I carry my leatherman with me everywhere my purse. Best tool ever!

Well, this is what we as participants of an app-store ecosystem get when we keep on pushing and preferring the free apps over the paid ones. Everyone keeps mentioning how hard it is to make money in the app dev world, but the vast majority of us keep eating up the free and barely-free versions of fully paid apps.

And to Amber Yurst: Good for you for sticking up for yourself and not just throwing out the letter. It takes courage to not just dismiss people's awfulness. I'm glad your courage has been rewarded! *hugs!*

@rossismyname: Dear driver, this can of red spray paint was used to tag your car because you escalated our civil discourse into hostile sticky ball territory.

Thats why when I finally one day get married (oh, I still dream...) I'm not doing any of this. Plane tickets to hawaii or someplace remote, beachy and tropical with a nice hotel. I don't need 4 star anything. Just surf, sand, sun and family. Attire: hawaiin shirts and bermuda shorts/grass skirts. Save your gift

Aaaaaand this is why I carry scissors in my purse.

@rockman_x_2002: Hmm, good point! I didn't think of the bus speeds. Could there be a way to raise the actual CPU connector out of the motherboard and towards the edge of the case, so the design would work? I never meant to indicate the processor would have to bottleneck itself thru USB, but rather the just

Ok, my second post on this article but I just had what maybe a crazy great idea and I wanted to know what you Gizmodians thought. I know it's slightly off topic, so out of respect I am putting it in the reply. Thanks!

@wizzard419: That is neat. it'd be cool if as an upgradeable option there was a gym-locker style tumbler lock system that could be installed that would keep the screen from opening up! Maybe not so great on plastic-y laptops, but for all those nice metal laptops it'd look pretty neat.

@Who-really-cares: Oh I couldn't remember all of them! I have like 14 passwords that I have to keep around in my noggin and I hate it. I use one of those password manager app's, but that doesn't help if I'm on a friend's computer.

I think active shutter looks better, but I'm really gunning for a passive 3d set because after I buy the set, a new 3d bluray player AND media to watch, I don't feel like plunking down lots of cash for extra glasses. They really should make the active shutter glasses available for $50 or less if they want my business.

Tron Guy, I gotta say I'm impressed with you. It's not easy to march to the beat of your own drummer; that's something I know a LOT about. What's better than that, though, is the way you composed yourself. I expected nothing less than a glowing review of the new film, because let's face it, it's Tron and you're Tron

This would be cool if it actually unlocked your computer - instead of passwords, we'd have physical keys! I kinda like it. But, with the frequency I loose my keys, maybe not SUCH a good idea.