
@Dynastius: I hear what you're saying but don't agree. It's got to be a case by case basis, as in if the inclusion of the system doesn't add much value, yeah is take it, hut if it did, id leave it. Also, de-wiring your house, all the connections and the home security system is very hard. In a few years, this system

Got any references to back up that China observation? Because looking at their political structure, I don't read about too many women in high levels of the communist party. Also, I seem to remember something about a "One Child Policy" that may have something to do with the value of little girls in china?

If that is Tim Ferriss in the lead shot... o_O He is gorgeous.

Key point missed: I wonder how much this affects the resale value of the house? Obv. you wouldn't take it with you if you moved, and it's a very desireable add-on. I would imagine that it'd add double the install cost to your abode's appraisal, maybe even more? (That's all guesswork, I'm not a real estate person.

No no no, they missed a golden opportunity. They need to add some pnumatics and a 2nd loop ontop so the coaster can shoot the rider up and into a perfect circle, and then zoom down again just barely over the ground. The combined weightlessness + near death experience repeated 2 or 3 times in a row would be awesome.

This is really cute. The bride is beautiful, the groom handsome and the cake toppers/invites really cute! I put this on the same level as all those other theme weddings out there - and there are TONS, from star wars to whatever you can dream up. Some people just want to make their special day about fun, and I think

@romulus42: The best comment on the page. Hearted!

@wjbean: No, not when we've been holding DARPA competitions over here for the same technology and haven't completely succeeded yet! (Although, getting better all the time!)

@CryptArc: Awesome! thanks for the updates! :)

"SARTRE spent the first year designing the system and eliminating any bugs"

@38thsignal: Loving the design of the player but not the concept of cards you have to shuffle and arrange yourself... I'd loose them all the time.

They missed their chance. Shoulda just called it the BFG2010.

My heart is just fluttering on a current of happiness. Love this article. Make it a regular series, please! :)

As a bisexual, I often romanticize Androgenous people. When men and women both annoy, opt for neither!

Thank you, nice aticle and very helpful. I wish I could have read it before the black friday deals, however.

@bombastinator: You felt compelled, and I felt grateful! :)

Military Police Officer: He got away, sir.