
Love it! I'm really digging the interior, not so much the whole faux-marble columns on the outside. Also, the ticket booth must be annoying when you're trying to watch a movie and have to open the window to sell to the next customer. I'd ditch the ticket window, add some game consoles and bring it to stoner concerts

It's a cracker slot! That's where you slide in the Wheat Thins, reportedly Job's favorite. It keeps the hardware from getting all cranky and rejecting apps for little to no reason.

Now playing

They had the cheese under lock and key, but not the crackers! mmmm Nom Nom Nom crackers yummy Nom Nom Nom!

I just thought of a great idea for a sequel to that game Spider for the iphone - you know that game where you play as a cute 8-legged creepy crawler who jump-attacks hornets as you "solve" the mystery of the abandoned house? Anyways, this time, the hornets are solar powered and you have to build a web that can block

And yet, when somebody does this to a stack of J. Bieber CD's, they get death threats from tweenyboppers. Hmph.

I can't picture holding this thing while walking and typing on the slide out keypad like I do on a cellphone. As one of the commentors said below, if there was a hinge so it props up on a table, I'd be down. Otherwise they should go for the gold and make a thumb keyboard that can be easily used while gripping the

@Weiner: Aww! I heart you back! :)

Julian, I know you prolly won't read this, but all the same - you might not make it thru this whole ordeal, but thanks for giving the world wikileaks. Because now the concept is out there, it'll forever be out there. Whether your site gets shut down or not, it is now a Hydra. And it's the best idea I've yet seen to

I think this is great. Then whenever I loose my keys, I could check twitter and realize I left them in the drawer.

Apple should bore holes in the back of their phones so people can use a Jobs system (get it??) just like in FF. Adding ludicrous things like Dino teeth, meteorites and precious jewels would give your phone special abilities!

@jessespears: This is the first time, on any website I've seen, including yahoo news and cnn, that anyone's posted that explanation. Thank you.

Hey! I live down the street from that lead shot! Infact... *leans over to look out the window* there it is NOW! zoooooom-tacular! :D

Next time women should run the conference and show gay male porn inbetween slideshow clips. Also, they should photchop some of the conference attendee's faces on the actor's faces. You know, for a goof! They clearly have a *great* sense of humor, I'm sure they'll appreciate a little ribbing infront of all their

@kethryvis: LOL "being of the boobed persuasion" bravo!

I have a big ethical issue with this. A little background - I get hit on all the time by wealthy business people. I say people because I frequently will get chatted up by both men and women.

I carry tampons around with me all the time now, because nomatter where I go, I always get asked by some stranger for a spare. I think people think I'm pms'ing all the time. Either that, or I look like the kind of gal who has it all together, all the time. ...hopefully the latter.

All it needs is Bender's sneaky laughter cued up and played on little speakers nearby. In time with the stabbing, of course. And then a maniacle chuckle as the next vict* - er, ham, is loaded into position.

I'm waiting for the day when a Kinnect like array of cameras can size you up in 3d and submit detailed measurements to a clothier for custom fit clothes without the need to visit the showroom! I'm telling you, whoever perfects web-order jeans that fit on the first try will make a MINT.

Is there anything better than Geeky Women? No, I think not. Is there anything better than a Geeky Woman who plays base, bakes Challah break (according to commentor 14kgold:betastar), looks hot in punky-pink hair AND redefines life as we know it?