
I've always wanted to live in a firehouse too! Though my desire to live there had more to do with the possibility of the sexy firemen who might visit from time to time. You know, for old times sake.

Yes!! It looks like my Evo with a slide-out gamepad! I've been waiting for this exact phone forever! go android!!

I have a baby shaped hole that will never get filled. I'll never be able to concieve, be able to feel another heart beat inside of me. I try not to think about it, because it's like a knife in my heart. I cry about it every year on christmas. (I came out to myself on christmas day a while back.)

My best friend is an amazing guy. I've never, ever heard him say a disrespectful thing about someone else, although I'm sure he's thought it. He's in a gay glam-indi-lowfi rock band (if that makes any sense) and yet is the most sane person I know. He's so damn humble. He knows when I'm feeling blue and just calls me

@tiredfairy: This was such a nice write up. :) gave me the warm and fuzzies!

@audreyapple: Thats amazing. What a great dad! I hope you gave him one hell of a hug!

Just my 2 cents. :)

What's more remarkable to me is that this set was preserved for 2 years after the shoot! Anytime I've ever shot anything, we had to break it down on the last night and return it to original condition; in a hotel especially you would think they'd need the space and wouldn't want that creepy room just hanging around.

I had doubletwist installed for a while now, and I couldnt' stand it. The desktop client for mac crashed all the time and seemed very thrown-together. The player on my Evo was good except for this bug that kept on creating duplicates of my playlists whenever I charged my phone.

Yeah but the sad part is they put in an order for space heaters. And you wonder why a hammer costs $10k.

30 cameras? Wonder if he has a bullet time sequence in mind...?

Nonsense. Who'd want to build an entire stadium on cheese?

@Alfisted: I see what you did there. And I liked it.

@Arken: ...You know, some days it just does not pay to get up in the morning.

Ok well I searched and searched online but couldn't find an image, but something about the design kinda reminds me of the central air shaft from the Empire Strikes Back. Maybe I'm crazy.

Anybody else scroll past the image and think for a split second that someone had made a Thundercats mashup figurine where one side was an ATAT? And then you clicked thru to realise that not only was that NOT the case, but that, according to the description, the ATAT must be huge and the Thundercats thingy is just a

If you think that's cool you should see their delivery truck.

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