
I wonder what the naked guy in the lead shot is thiking about. Prolly that he should have sat leangth-wise on the hdtv, NOT edge wise. Ouch!

Looks like an Isolinear data rod like from DS9, just not amber-and-gold colored.

I watched his recent 35 minute film for Runaway and was very, very impressed with the visual candy... Assuming as director he was as dictatorly over his product as he most likely is in the studio, it really showed an attention to detail and a raw appreciation of beauty that his detractors wouldn't credit him for.

I had the laser beam backdrop all the way thru highschool. I was the only one who ever requested it. Junior year the photographer had to go out to the truck to fetch the sheet for me. He thought I wasn't serious, but I was. I wanted 'Fricken Laser Beams.

Was there and loved every second of the movie, which suprised the heck out of me considering that I thought Potter 5 & 6 were the worst of the series so far. Turned out that doubling the leangth of the film (ie 2 parts) fixed my issues with pacing and missing content!

This is why some of my personal fictional heroes are the Kiyoshi Warriors from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Because they're women...AND warriors... at the same time! And they won't have either aspect denied or disrespected. Least of all by that big-talking Water Tribe boy Sokka.

@gizmofan: Ahh. But how could you Air Play without an adequate Air Supply?

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin.

@Andy Mesa: Thank you, I knew I spelled it wrong! :)

I'm at work, yes on a Saturday. Safe to link over to Playboy to read this article? I shouldn't be on Giz anyways, but a long article about Steve and the Woz and LSD? Peaks my interest.

Bacon Tablets in the Homemade Recirculating Gravy Fountain.

I think Android shows incredible promise, though I can understand why dev's may be trepidacious about making games for a platform with so many complications. But there's no arguing with sheer volume of potential customers, and Android has volume.

@chefgon: Tend to agree with you.

@wjbean: You, sir, are a wise man and must be very appealing to the ladies. No, seriously.

@Calrekabooki: Hearted! Amy Mullins is awesome in every way.

Normally, when the gravy train heads my way, I'm all aboard. If I had a swimming pool filled with gravy I'd be Scrooge McDuck all up in that deliciousness. But this fountain really gets me weak in the knees. I think it's the fine craftsmanship. Nothing says Gravy like scrap wood and duct tape. It's like a calling

@raysfamous: It doesn't need to. It lives it.

@deleahrium: I have 2 7D's. In photo mode, they're great. As for video, I find I get overheating after 20 minutes of continuous usage - a red warning icon comes on warning me of dangerous internal temperatures. Also, fast camera motion often results in particle effects and motion blur. This happens under all