
@vestaxwax: For an introductory, work horse camera with amazing color output that could be up-scaled in post? Yep. Love it. Never has particle effects or motion blur, my tapes never get wiped or compromised and serve as their own backups. I can use all my lenses and I can hook in 2 XLR's. Oh, and timecode synch? And

@DSB7: thank you. I've shot on a RED on an IBM shoot a while back, and honestly, it was a hundred thousand dollar setup. I know absolutely no one on an Indi basis - and by Indi, I mean whole features shot and delivered for under 500 grand - who owns one. Maybe if you had a few million in the bank a RED could be worth

Wow, there're a few things I'd add to this list, but pls. keep in mind, I'm not really considering the average user, but the next indi filmmaker.

Every ping you make

I've practiced doing this myself, although I prefer a nice aged scotch to a bowl of water.

Hey Jason, thanks for posting this. I'm sad it's not getting the page views it should, b/c self repair embodies everything that Giz is about, in my opinion.

I can't tell what they're browsing on the ipad from the small picture but that cat looks demonic.

Cue it up to :27, mute the audio and sing along with me: "You take the high road and I'll take the low road..."

Ah yes, but there will always be caramel.

@Andrew Tarantola: I'm really looking forward to that future class. It was held over 50 years ago!

@Edie Spencer: Things comedians talk about because they're utterly and completely ignorant:

This could have been great. Every time I see that beach ball, I could give my imac the finger, which would force closes the program. Sigh.

Stranger yet? Chewie lactates chocolate milk.

As an Army brat who watched her mother combat PTSD, I'd just like to remind whoever from the Pentagon who might read this article that drone pilots in our current war get PTSD. This article, while short, sums it up:

But let's face it, SAT scorers have to read a plethora of essays every year, and the idea that they could meticulously evaluate each one for its minute nuances, in the sixty seconds they allegedly spend reading it, is patently ludicrous. Because, as Neil Armstrong said, "I am the walrus."

"Why do astronauts wear space diapers?"

Dear Mick,

Wow, your video review is kind of making me give my android phone a hairy eyeball, for all it's slick UI goodiness. It seemed really responsive and my favorite is that it has netflix.