
@wjbean: Just the boobs. They can sometimes dig in on the sides. But I have found that most women wear the wrong size bra to begin with, so I'm sure it's 50/50 vicky's fault/self inflicted.

@metronome49: exactly, or perhaps a portable (pico?) projector?

@secretcurse: Wow. I love Gizmodo commentors! Thanks!!

I can't wait for the day when something this thin and light can power thru Final Cut Studio.

What am I looking at here? Money. That's what I'm looking at. Lots of money, though less money than a professional setup.

If the Unit doesn't get famous real quick, that scentence in this book will go down in history as his 15 seconds of fame. We wouldn't want that!!

@natedogXVI: Agreed, but that's not buy and install on your own. It's teleplay. And their rate structure sucks. Their work around is ingenius but not the same thing.

Hmmm. I wonder how this will actually work. Will Apple release a full color, video trackpad? Because one of the things that's great about the iPad is that you look at what you're touching. To me, that's what'd be great about a touchscreen iMac - I would just poke the screen with my finger when I need to close a window

It slices! It dices! How quickly does it get turned on? Instantly!! It's the neeewwwww Macbook Air! Use it as an easle for your iPad! Wedge it under that shaky coffee table leg to loose the wobble! Kiddies loose their frisbee? No problem! Unibody construction resists dents, dings and flings!! It's the neeeeeewwwwwww

App store for mac, just in terms of how long download times would take for programs distributed on DVD's, would really stink.

" It's almost like Apple's making it ready to be touched."

So are those guy's skimping or are they headed back to do the second coat? Can you do a half-assed priming job and still reap the benefits?

@wjbean: Shhh. That's supposed to be the secret!

@karoooszka: This is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. Thank you so much! :) It would still be cool subject to revisit but in the meantime, this will do.

It really is quite stunning. I want it in my house!

The outside of the house needs a little work.

The artist's little ruffled collar is too cute. I think I might just pare down panel one to the artist standing at his easle with his thumb out and make that my new facebook profile pic.

I know I'd have a lot of fun tripping up old people just to see that airbag inflate. It'd be like cow tipping, only more dastardly. Pranksters could just opt to give an all-too-firm congratulatory slap on the back to trigger the airbag!

I'd like to see the C3P0 golden swimsuit. I bet it'd actually be kinda neat! Except for the bundle of wires in the stomach.