
The dutch shoreline - when going to the beach is depressing. They spent all that money and they couldn't mow the grass? Scrape some of the ugly rust off the bunker? Or at the very least, took the photo on a day that wasn't miserably overcast?

Is that a moleskin notebook?

@skywalker24: So then basically, she could have said they were all getting anything at all and they would have gone crazy.

wow you are right, it would have been hilarious if they just all went "meh".

This is awesome. Every week Giz photog's really impress me, it's one of my most looked-forward-to weekly columns.

Very cool, although after watching the video on the site and seeing the huge fan it takes to keep the place inflated, I have to wonder - how noisy is this place? And how windy inside?

Lest we all forget, he was the guy who had the balls to make fun of the Chancellor in V for Vendetta. Love Fry.

For a moment I forgot it was Stephen Fry and thought this was some long lost rant by John Cleese.

Somehow I doubt neither the CIA or POTUS will allow a piracy lawsuit to stop the counter terrorism war. I just can't see Jack Bauer saying "No! Wait! Call off those predator drones - their software is pirated."

Now, if it had been a GMC Safari, it would have been total nerd core.

wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-Windows!! I'm-glad-I'm-on-a-Mac! wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-Windows!! I'm-glad-I'm-on-a-Mac!

She's hot.

@DC: Liver.

@SSgtTEX: That is awesome. Now, if I could string up a hammock on a regular American Flight to L.A., I would do so kind sir. I would do so.

@iAmWillJ: You are awesome. Whole heartedly agree.