
@Zoerly: This is the best, hardly-ever-heard-but-true advice on this whole page. I know your advice was in reference to a medical procedure but it works in the bedroom, I can attest. For some reason, opening your jaw is counter-intuitive, but damn if it doesn't make you feel one HELL of a lot sexier and in the moment

This is news? In the Dark Knight, Batman stole Lau (sp?) out of Hong Kong with the aide of a military transport plane! (From memory, a C-130 with a nose attachment?) Who do you think he worked with, the Chinese?

@drewmcd621: Thank you for making this post relevant to gadgets and tech.

This is a great idea. And you may jest, but if every airline outfitted one or two planes in their fleet to be "sleepers", where the entire plane had cabins or bunk beds for those overnight flights and charged more for the priviledge, they'd make money. Sleeping people do not need food carts, as many waitstaff or in

@SSgtTEX: Civillians can't book flights on C-130's... can they? Because if so, what the hell have I been waiting for?

@Iggy: I know, right?! He should have had a slow fade in on a close-up profile of that bowl cut. It was a better cut than the one Javier Bardem wore in No Country for Old Men.

His soundtrack is epic. I mean, just... EPIC. Donnie Darko, Police Academy, Mission Impossible, Matrix, Ghost Busters... aaaaand I gave up.

What you couldn't tell from the footage was that the script spelled it "Ghey".

That cover looks like they shot some random kid from any street usa against a white wall in the basement copy room. She looks bored, or even a little...uncomfortable?

God bless you Android, and the electronic sheep you dream about at night. May you win this fight.

Sorry, can't go there with you. That galaxy is too far away.

@cirocco: Wha is the term for the hatred of children? just wondering.

Awesome. Thanks for posting this, it made my day! :)

@akarpens: I'd agree, it is effective; It goes to show that graphics aren't everything! And somehow the bad art helps the nerdyness of the strip. If this was drawn like Family Circus or Dexter, it wouldn't be as funny.

Do we get our choice of font? I want Wing Dings.

I love XKCD. The art is awful but the writing is so good, you can totally find a stick figure hot.

N: What're you trying to say? That I can spin bullets?

@ret3: No no no. The Hamburgler. He charges less and is way more fun at the reception.