
@tucker augie'ben'doggy: Like the old saying goes, You can order anything you want at Alice's resteraunt- except Alice!

@nastavirs: I think the guy in the picture is the groom. Not everybody loves skinny girls!

@tomservo77: LOL or you could have a themed wedding and go to Long John Silvers!

@moonshadowkati: LOL "You would be surprised how many women would go for this if it meant a ring on their finger." Um, I think you would be suprised. Because the number would = zero. (Well, mayyyyybe Snooki of Jersey Shore fame. But is that appealing?)

Oh my god. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. :x

@junior_millenium: The Ordained use Mac's. The pleebs in the aisles use Windows.

I love going bra shopping. I dunno why. But I don't generally care what color conceals the best under what top... If I'm going to work, nothing I wear is see-thru or I layer appropriately so it's never a problem. Sometimes I wear something completely racy beneath my work clothes just for me - shocker, I know, that I


This article was hillarious, thanks for making me smile Jez!

'Bama, return to your base, please. The base who rallied and picketed for you to win the election. Just for once, be that president you claimed you would be, screw the republicans and just do what you know is right. Make this the human rights issue it is and start being the guy who doesn't give a damn about

@EnochLight: lol yep! but seriously, the current logo... I'm just kinda tired of stainless steel everything. Or chrome. Shake it up a little!

Your Con's sorta outweigh the Pro's in my opinion. Especially the hinge and the speakers.

Here's hoping they refresh the apple logo back to the original rainbow. I miss it.

@knails: Really? ...Sanity.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.2: To say nothing of the lack of hydrogenated cheese and recompiled baco-bit bacon! Make it bacon.

No No No Pontif, you have it all wrong. Make churches into coffee bars with free wifi. Throw in a few free XBOX360's and big plasma screens - you know, for the kiddies. Every half hour or so, over the intercom, lead the faithful in prayer. Call it the guilt free slacker existence. Boom, just got you a bajillion new

@*The_Wizard*: Seconded. I want to make that into the Dancing Pope, a la the Dancing Baby meme of years ago.