
New Spokesman position open.

@bitslammer: It's too bad he's gone, b/c this would be a perfect Frucci challenge.

Who orders a plain hamburger at McDonald's? I need the sugar-laced ketchup and a mini bucket of sweet and sour sauce just to cover up the McDonald's taste. Where the condiments at?

The real work of art is going to come when they recieve some idiot's dentist bill after some kid pops a few of these in his mouth and cracks their tooth wide open.

Wow, yeah Sony appears to have spent all of one hour designing the remote... What gives? The first lesson in adoption is make. it. easy. Why is that a hard concept for them to understand? The Boxee remote, for example, is elegant and yet feature packed. Here's a link to the Amazon page where you can see a preview of

@wantstoseethemothman: That's interesting, I usually consider Adam Sandler to me vaguely sexist and/or homophobic - or transphobic, in this case.

Well, she deserves it. The White Sox are horrible, just horrible.

@Yarrr: LOL Touche. Both?

I fell in love with Boxee, but dear god, I wish they wouldn't have designed the box to be so damn ugly. Like, I think it's a joke of some kind. Its not released yet, but the supported feature list is large and in charge, the remote is the best and the integration is top notch. I am in the midst of converting my entire

I just tried to enter this comment but the page reloaded... so if it's a double post, sorry.

Wow. Nothing is real.

So... why couldn't they tweak the settings so that even on an HD set, the video feed would remain fuzzy? Some things don't need to be seen any clearer and benefit from the fuzzies.

@Yarrr: You have a factory? Do you make crackers?

@geekgirlliz: oooooh cool. Like, a basic geocities page? (I know geocities is dead but...)

@C3PA: Thanks! Hearted! :)

@iam118: True, but I still remain fixed on my opinion that Hamill's version of the Joker would have ruined the Dark Knight. Hamill's Joker is the best animated/CGI'd joker period, but Heath's is the best live action.

It's Joaquin Pheonix's new character, homeless IT guy. Wait two years, and then you won't get it.