
Meh. Lando woulda flown closer.

@That Shy Guy: And you don't have a star because...?

@C3PA: I dunno but I bet it's official at this point. By restarting the brand at an assumed zero, it's like "forget the past people! nothing happened!!" Denial is like memory but convenient.

@beezelbubbles: Yeah I'm not ashamed of any of my updates but again I'm kinda tired of NOT writing what I want on my updates... call in the wah-mbulance I guess. I'm not really willing to work where it's an issue but sincerely, you never know that till you're there and in this economy, yeah I need the job. It's a

@BytheSea: You make a good point - it's just a website. I guess I'm just feeling a little left out that so many of my friends are out online, and I'm not. Aside from some distant relations, I'm out. And knowing there's a big closet in my life still is pretty annoying... And yet I feel somewhat necessary, especially

@überkäto: Good point. I'm going to do that tonight! :)

@Ginny Babcock: Of course not but that isn't the point...

What do you all think about coming out on Facebook? I'm open and proud of who I am but my facebook page is pretty non-descript. Plenty of my friends chose to support today by coming out or re-coming out, but many of them are in college and not in a similar situation like me. I will be job hunting soon and don't want

I love your use of Johnny Cash, the original "I don't give a fuck" musician.

@lol123: I'm sure if Bender could trademark it, he would.

Meh, I'm glad I got the US NES, I like the color scheme more and all the different features - front loading with a lid, removeable game pads, etc. I mean, my breath control has benefitted greatly from having to blow so many cartridges.

@soulofaqua: ? Really? How did that help anything? You could say into the controller - map please? Was there a little speaker too?

Well crap my home network is Free Beer. What does it mean??

Some tilt-shift photography would have made this scene look like it was made out of legos.

@midnightz: Thank you, I knew there was SOMETHING amiss in the second panel but I couldn't put my finger on it!

@GeckoUK: I just fell in love with you.

@FriedPeeps: The future...always 5 years away!

@ThisIsAdamB: I feel it took that many floppies to install the original civilization on my old ibm back in the day!

I found my new tagline for anything Windows Mobile from here on out in photo # 2: "Windows Mobile - Always Delightful."