
They really need to change the name. Lowtide = smells bad.

Ha! I'll see your autogyro who'siemawhatsit and raise you one submacopter. Oh shit! Whatcha gonna do??

All hail the return of the Zeppelin! Less pollution + slower, more romantic cruiseship-of-the-skies kinda pace + chance of fiery death = great!

Now playing

I'd get Jeremy Vanschoonhoven to endorse it. That guy would do wonders with this bike.

They need a new name for that app. When I think Low Tide, I think bad smell.

@cool8man: couple of things. No youtube. 1080p starts at $79 bucks. Amazon VoD is great though.

@Dezerus Richardson: No, my point (that perhaps didn't come across that well) is that when they work on an escalator they shut it down from people using it, and this levytator combines both up and down escalators into one. So if it ever breaks, which it will, both sides will need to be shut down to be fixed and run

I like how they all have the strappy kind. No loose footwear found here!

I love this. Now do one with those plastic lensed Holga's or polaroid instant film cameras you can get at Urban Outfitters!

@mricyfire: Ahhh. Another Powerpoint Master. I salute you, kind sir.

Great. So when the escalator is broke, will BOTH sides be inoperable? There'll be a ridiculous line for the elevator.

For a minute there, I thought that someone had figured out how to hook up the buttons, and thus created the apple gameboy. Sigh.

That galaxy tab is looking better and better...

@fughedaboudit: Do you wear a bra daily? No? Then probably not for you.

re: Ashton and Demi - when I hear stuff like this I seriously wonder if they have an open marriage. I've always been stunned at how many pople are secretly polyamorous but can't/won't disclose that info for fear of blacklash and/or the kids. It really wouldn't suprise me at all if this couple was, and it's just that

@fughedaboudit: It's a pretty horrible idea. Part of a good design is the intent to use it, or even just to buy it. I can't see a Victoria's Secret ad where they up sell the new feature - look your sexiest whilst surviving armageddon in our new gas mask bra! I mean, it just *sounds* stupid. The style isn't

As I wrote on Jezebel... Sigh. This "invention" won prizes in a design competition. I bet it only won over the other contestants because the judges pooled their bets that they would sneak a peak during the live demonstration.

@complextinction: Well, I do believe that faith without doubt is psychosis. I defended you because you didn't devolve into name calling and contrarian b.s... Good luck to you sir.

@RawheaD: No, that's disagreement. And by the way, I don't really care one way or the other, in that I don't own one nor will I any time soon. But stating two arbitrary "facts" which are really just generalized statements that could be made about anything doesn't further the argument at all.

@NuevoLeon aka MiRod407: No, I find that to be an opinion, however one that will get him a lot of flack. If he would have used foul language, started attacking people in the comments, or something else more aggressive I'd agree it's trolling. But that right there is just a difference of opinion. And he's entitled to