
Hey! So this is going to seem off-topic but I use it as one of my "tools" for always keeping my look together: 2-3 times a year, I pay a professional makeup/stylist friend of mine a $50 consultation to give my looks an eagle eye and point me in ways I could tweak my style in a more fashionable direction!

Oh I am SO ordering this! :)

@rosie7: Agreed. I want to do this myself and hang it above my mantleplace so anyone entering my apartment knows who's boss.

This is seriously the dumbest invention ever. Sure, yes, it may work, but no one is ever going to buy it. It only won because the judges pooled their bet on possibly getting flashed during the live demonstration.

"I love rice. Rice is good when you are hungry and want two thousand of something."

@chauncy that billups: Are you serious? I love my huge galaxy-sized foreman grill, or as I call it, the Atkins Supermaster. It does Chicken! It does Steak! It does thick cut veggies! You can even do pancakes on the thing if you prop it up level!

@warpsmith: "it's great to have her along as a nurse to take care of you when you do insane GI damage to yourself". I was with you right up to that point.

@staticfive: yep - but it is a silly thing.

@Sniper RK a.k.a. JeevesofRKdia: you know I thought that seemed like a funny spelling! But capsaicin also seemed wrong, and my Evo's spell checker recommended it. How does it know the correct spelling for that monkey and all the other words I've had to program in?

Awesome! Isn't there a service even better than Shazam out now?

@BadJoJo: I knew this retort was coming. Boobs! Not Moobs!! :)

I am so glad you posted this article! :D

I always like the iFruit imacs. I hated the hockeypuck mouse, but other than that, I love the aesthetic. I kind of wish they'd try something out of left field again in terms of their big hardware designs; not going to lie, everything is very sleek and ultra-modern now, but I miss some of the inventiveness they had

Where's my option? I am a fan*girl*. There is a difference: I has boobs.

@DittoBox: And we like you! Just don't say Ditto.

@A.Jaswal: I love the guy in the middle, I thought he was the funniest one.

Wow! A good week for android releases! :)