
Android for the open-ness and better build options, but Apple for the polish and the best App store.

@A.Jaswal: Agreed. Or even just iOS, just skinned over OSX's GUI. I think iOS as a multitouch interface does quite well; I just wish it was more versatile.

Huh. Why not just re-release this guy? It was easy enough to move the monitor to use for multitouch...?

This is awesome, I love hearing good news. Also, how nice it it to hear about cops who don't freak out when they get their photo taken? Good work guys - you're a credit to your uniform! :)

@WookieLifeDay: Well, she does have good bone structure. I'd stay away from the white foundation makeup if I were her.

@ResolveToEvolve: No, but I dated a roller chic once. Best sex I'd had in years! I shoulda asked her to keep the skates on, but what did I know?

@Black_Swan: That is such a cute kitteh! :) Aww and his eyes look sick, like he's just thinking "Bleh, don't talk to me..." :/ I'd say the Vet definitely if you're really concerned, but also, make sure your cat is drinking his water and eating. There are kitty vitamins you can buy that might also perk up his mood and

@GrabAnApple: I'm not poking fun at you, just wondering - did you not notice the ring?

@The Conductor: It's not uncommon at all. English is full of spellings that don't adhere to any form of logic - or even pronunciation. Especially with spell check, people just aren't that concerned about it anymore. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, but there you go.

@MagsCO: I think you did the right thing. It's one thing to hear a story about someone doing something mean and underhanded like that, it's quite another to meet someone like that in person. They exist and they prey on people's empathy, which to me is a sickness, a real sickness. That you even have this wonder in you

Mel, can't you just... you know... grow up?

@vein11: Agreed. Creepy.

@Stem_Sell: Thats the breast joke I've heard today. *Rimshot*

Those are some seriously overclocked mamaries.

@Satchwar: I got your back, girl. :) Trolls be trolling.

@corsair130: Agreed but not everyone has a good connection and all those photos are hard to load for a lot of people. SkipErnst is right.

@FrankN.Stein: What do you mean? It blends in perfectly with the lincoln Towncars, Toyota Camry's and Hyundai Sonata's of the world.