
@R Cruz: Michelle was better. (She was the best part about that movie, anyways.)

@Dan Sabato: I know ninja's are a huge inspiration for the Batman, but also were the Australian Aboriginals, who would use hunting boomerangs. A hunting boomerang isn't designed to come back - it's a highly effective long distance weapon that's also very accurate with training, despite being a bit unweildly.

@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): Same here, only with me it was Edward Scissorhands. I actually made gloves that had scissors attached and string with a mini pulley system, so that when I flexed my wrist the scissors would... well, scissor. Anyways, I thought I was king shit and I went out into my

@WookieLifeDay: Batman issues no disclaimers. Also, he never reads instructions.

@Sean: You mean, I've been putting my lips up to the tap, and people's fingers've'been there?

I'm not joking - that intro paragraph was one of the best I've ever read on this site. I laughed before even making the jump - good work! LOL Sometimes the off the cuff stuff is the most fun!

Awesome awesome awesome. Loved the music. And it made me realize how effing scary it would be to be walking up that hill when just over the crest comes a wave of bowling balls! That shit would kill ya!

@oaktree89: Thanks! And best wishes to you too! :)

@shadesofmediocrity: Thanks! :) That's very sweet, and I'm going to forever hold out hope, but I think I may have been born fifty years too early, in that department.

@WilliamTheFifth: Well, that solves it then. We need Fusion, because those damn kids need their balloons!

I thought this was a smear campaign, not because I'm an ardent supporter of all things Wikkileaks but because of the TED interview with Julian. In that, and the Wired article, he comes off as a completely paranoid idealogue who jumps at a mouse fart. He barely sleeps, doesn't have more than the clothes on his back, is

@Badmofo: I must be!! I was so dissapointed. Without a doubt the most annoying one was at the final boss fight, I was only a shot away from killing that bastard and all of a sudden the textures turned off, so it looked like I was running on glass. They flicked back on in a second, but not before I got confused and

Sorry for my apparant gap in knowledge, but Helium is mined? I knew it occurred naturally but I thought we also made helium. Isn't it cheap to make?

Perhaps instead of focusing their search in one direction, we could focus it in another? Lets just tell them who to avoid, it's much simpler. I'll start:

Carl Sagan, visionary? Don't make me laugh.

Scruffy's gonna die the way he lived. *watches more porn at work*

Not really digging it.

I wrap my 'taters in ace bandages when I have a big workout scheduled. Sports bras make me very claustrophobic for some reason - I actually get kind of panicky putting one on and taking it off.

Oh, there are quite a few gays who suck at being gay. Here's a partial list I grabbed from