
Wow. I don't know if that's beautiful or really creepy, but I love how black the center us, and the reflections on the right. It looks like dough stretched too thin! What is that stuff?

...And half are always out on loan at the library.

@Curves: That's a lot of secrets, Curves.

@Hello! My name is Anonymous: Because you want to keep it.

How specific do we have to get here?

@Bucky Rodgers: Your dad invented clicker licking? He's a good man.

@Charliehorse: Oooh Ooooh! My doormat would cover a trap door and slide to the alligator pit if/when those Jehova Witnesses ever ring my doorbell! And the doorbell! I'm thinking no doorbell, or even door nob. Just the eye sentry guard robot from the entrance to Jabba's hideout.

@el_vato30066001: Agreed - it does take energy to do anything. But how you spend that energy can either be good/bad/indifferent for the environment - and I'm just saying I'd think that the end use of a blimp trumps jets in terms of emissions any day.

@Arken: Hmm. Well, if we were drilling for fossil fuels already, why not use some of it to make these? bring the costs down? I'm just saying, in terms of what creates more pollution, I don't see how a helium blimp is equal to or more polluting than a large jet. Even if you have to drill for oil, at least you aren't

@psychiccheese: We don't know the circumstances of how she recieved the subsequent injuries. She could have fell trying to get down. There's no such thing as a totally effective suicide-prevention mechanism; nets are one thing but raising the quality of life in the factory would be quite another.

"TIGER, tiger, burning bright

@Hello! My name is Anonymous: You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar! :)

@pnikkosis: Hey, they're better than the yellow snow leopards.

@fishler: When you see a cheeta or other huge freaking cat running towards you, perhaps its time to put down the camera. :)

That's the most phallic thing I've seen in a while. Not including porn. Which I guess it is.

@lycosman: Hmm. I always thought that privilege belonged to the Wilhelm scream, also in Star Wars.

@freetobelee: Yeah it is. A certain category of interest.

Cool execution, but anyone care to explain how his rubic-cubed head had anyting to do with the beverage's tag line "brains perform best when hydrated - stay drenched"? I mean, there's got to be a million other slogans that'd tie in better. And this wasn't a cheap commercial. What a waste.