
But does it glow in the night?

If I eat them will my teeth look super white?

If I wear a coat of them will I appear to be a heavenly deity?

Can we make LED flashlights floodlights any type of light even brighter with less power?

I think you're forgetting something

I hope you understand that you're going to be ridiculed because what you said is as foolish as someone commenting "put the bees in jars!" on an article about the influx of killer bees.

Yes! Let's take methane, a greenhouse gas, that was formerly trapped under the ocean (and thus prevented from being released into the atmosphere) and burn it, converting it into carbon dioxide, another greenhouse gas, and then release it into the atmosphere!

USPS is failing because a 2006 Republican congress forced them to fund their pensions through the next 75 years. No other company or govt agency has to reach that benchmark. It was a move to destroy them.

Obama's nearing the end of his second term

Wow. Surprise, surprise. Yet another 'Beats' product that is the lovely combination high price, low sound quality...

But I'm sure some music artists/band/brand/Kanye...will endorse the snot out of these as the greatest thing since Sennheisers...and they will be bought in droves.

Facebook has announced that it's to start using app and website data from your browsing habits to provide more targeted ads

This response to the article is indeed masterfully moronic. "Moron" was literally the first word that popped into my head when I read her response but I see onionringsasquatch beat me to the punch. Nanny-state action is something like making a bicycle helmet law where you are protected from yourself. I would agree

Sand doesn't float.

yeah, i don't want the government to protect the viability of the world's largest freshwater ecosystem; that kind of oversight is for pussy liberals. who cares about the billions of dollars generated by, and the latent economic value of, all that fresh water? Probably a bunch of commie libtards like farmers,

What a masterfully moronic mixed metaphor! States are entitled to pass more stringent environmental laws through a concept called cooperative federalism, clearly about which you have naught a clue.

Yeah, stupid nanny state, trying to protect the environment that we depend on to survive. Call me crazy but I'd rather corporations make some extra cash than prevent destroying natural resources and habitats.

Screaming at things when you're scared of them is a natural reaction but doesn't really help anyone.

*Not actually poisonous. That's a Golden Jellyfish from Jellyfish Lake (Ongeim'l Tketau) in Palau.

Ronnie Phone Home

Thank you for this! I just submitted a message.