
Well, with all the injuries he’s had, he’s certainly not running away from basketball.

So you want someone to work whats probably the most stressful and demanding job in the World, one that’s proven to take years off their life, and for the honor of doing so they have to liquidate all that they own beforehand and hand it over to the government, and then afterwards as a reward for their service they get

Impoverishing public servants is a surefire way to create terrible corruption. One could argue that we already have terrible corruption, but this would be much worse.

Hamilton won the Electoral College though.

Send in the seals!

The Chinese must have forgotten that Thursday is Italian BMT day, not American ROV day.

If there’s one punter in the Hall of Fame, Hester belongs there. His bust in the Hall should be pointed away from the kickers with the head looking over his shoulder. Hester was the best, he belongs in the HoF.

I was told the only way to save the environment was to protest monsanto and eliminate vaccines. Stein 2020!

Any actual economist could rattle off a dozen reasons not to try, which is why we’ve never tried and never will. You don’t solve inequality by destroying an economy.

Aaron Gordon was robbed.

The older I get the more I’m convinced that “everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” is the truest and most perfect philosophical statement ever uttered.

Kellyanne Conway is likely lying anyway. By most accounts the internal polling within the Trump campaign and the RNC predicted a Clinton victory too.

Because a solid 95% of the American public, including the very educated, don’t understand even basic probability.

Given how uneducated the electorate is, it’s not a stretch to deduce that they have no idea how probability works.

Yeah, he’s a weird scapegoat in this saga. Flash back a week and a half ago and there were people all over the internet (including on this family of websites) writing pieces about how he was being way too bullish about Trump’s chances. Now, we’re blaming him for not being bullish enough...

No, because they voted for Trump and they’re openly racist. I have to question anyone’s judgment who voted for Trump. And now they’ll regret that decision for as long as I see fit. My daughter is on board, she’ old enough to chime in, and she agrees. I gave her the ultimate choice. She’s never liked going there

My inlaws have had their grandchild visitation revoked. I told them we’ll revisit in 6 months, but they shouldn’t hold their breath. Elections have consequences.

(I walk on stage at a press conference after another long day at the office)