
Here's a picture of the door open on a diecast model...apparently one is for the battery, the other is for the air filter/washer fluid

I believe the air filter is access through there!

So glad that the Vikings did not pick Manti Teo. I was worried that the next "Loveboat" party would have imaginary hookers.

This is filmed in Latin America; is there a difference?

fun fact, that actress is shannyn sossoman, who is just smoking hot in general.

Even weirder, in California 3 tracks are somehow related to Willows.

Having been there myself, it is almost exactly as you describe. Being in the high desert, it can get really windy out there too. You can feel the moisture leaving your body as you turn into a human raisin. Fun tracks though. The big track is scary fast, and Streets is wonderfully technical.

Good thing Denton didn't limit headlines to 39 characters.

In 1995 I was sent to the University of Turku for a symposium and was later given a tour of the shipyards. Very impressive.

It's weird to remember that in the pre-Internet days it was a big deal if someone was going to the city where your non-local-market favorite team was, because they could bring you back merchandise that you'd have a hard time getting otherwise. Kids don't know how good they have it these days.

Drew, wouldn't NFL Head Coaches Week be the highest-rated Jeopardy week of all time? Assuming regular categories (not football themed or dumbed down like for celebrities), who would win?

Perfect when attending a Test Match at Lords

Da Mothership?

You don't need a road to kick ass sometimes. If there is no tarmac, the XJ is usually the reliable answer!

I can't tell you how true that is. I remember just getting reamed at halftime when what we really needed was for our coach to tell us the adjustments to make for the next half.

Bitey Ford

Rob Nibble

<I> Coco Cusp</I>

Oral Hershiser?

Jeff Canine