
It’s curious that the Golden Globes feels like it can command a pay-to-play audience. Most viewers are ambivalent at best about the awards shows that commandeer their television.

One think I do address immediately is my access to electrical outlets. Many hotels hide them. I need a space for my phone to recharge, crazy people! It’s practically all I care about. That and the bed.

I have always considered myself a white person who cares about equality and justice, but Get Out hit me on a deep level. I had a hard time getting through all the cringing scenes in the beginning. I will do better.

Must be a fine as Rami Malek.

Hey, I don’t make the rules, I just transcribe photo innuendo.

Families did not always eat out regularly. In my family it was a big deal to eat out, even just to McDonald’s. The big event was visiting Red Lobster. But there were rules for the occasion. We must all be on our best behavior. Any squabbling or poor attitude would result in the immediate end to evening. And there was

Alan, in this hack-eat-hack world of Gawker, thank you so much for being civil, and kind, and interested in learning. I learn so much from Lifehacker! I know I will miss your calm, steady presence.

These are all good points, but I’d like to point out that the very thing eating away at our attention is the internet and our attempt to inhale lots and lots of information all day long without rest. And part of what is so frustrating about this is that we have entered a new age of endless information, but the

There is a moral dilemma in addressing Hollywood’s near-unanimous collusion with Woody Allen. I believe that all the actors who have worked with him should be asked the question: weren’t you bothered by the rumors and allegations? And we have a right to let those answers inform our future movie choices.

I wonder how much of this is about the exhausting press junkets they coerce the stars into taking on. If you go on YouTube that shit is neverending. I’d want to gouge my eyeballs out just to put an end to a year of traveling, dumbass interviews — and they are very, very dumb — and moronic smiling.

The Fathers of Deadspin is a terrible, hack band.

I know about situations like this. Sounds like the dad believes that his situation is impossible, that he has no real choices, and that he must give in to his children’s bad behavior, lest he traumatize them. He cannot distinguish between discipline and abuse, and our country is plagued by this attitude. “No” is not a

Lying about it is one thing. But the clip of his answer to the question pisses me off. He acts like it’s stupid and way out of bounds to bring up. Deny that your friend was a gross dick wagger all you want, but you didn’t have to make the kid feel like a fool just for asking. Seriously, Jon Stewart is an asshole.

Have you ever considered the possibility that without Jezebel bringing those rumors to the public the parties involved would never have collaborated with the New York Times in the first place?

How long did it take for Cosby’s accusers to come forward? How long for Weinstein’s accusers?

Oh, that is an old song and dance, for years commenters from other blogs have contracted girl cooties from Jezebel. It would be funny except that they are grown ass adults.

It seems to me that etiquette itself is up for grabs in 2017. Despite numerous articles about phone etiquette, people still don’t act right.

No one wants to listen to you on speaker phone. Also, if you’re going to get into a screaming match with your mom on the phone, the bus is not the right place for that.

More like GRABITA. Right? Guys.

Well, they have launched an ambitious project. Overall, I think they’ll succeed, but they need room for trial and error. If it gives them breathing space to try new things, I’m all for disputng their Nielsen ratings.

I wonder if the model-to-Weinstein pipeline involved a certain famous photographer. Thing is, Terry could not have been more obvious about his rapey behavior. Jezebel has been reporting on him for years and nobody in the business (to my knowledge) has ever acted on it.

I grew up in a part of the country with no street parking. Just parking lots as far as the eye could see. I flunked the parallel parking portion of my drivers test. It’s just not a part of some city designs.

Congratulations on your weight loss, but the cardinal mistake of health and weight loss is trying to make a personal experience a universal one. We all have different kinds of bodies, limitations, and abilities.