
It actually might have been the amount of moisture on the sponge itself. The very thing that is cleaning the wet sponge is the water trapped inside the fabric. The water is super heated, thus sanitizing it. If there isn’t enough water the sponge will just burn up.

I too missed this part.

This is a question that haunts me, so I appreciate the article. Will my television secretly suck electricity when I’m gone? Turns out, yes.

Does the self-cleaning mode actually remove the filth from the glass window (as shown above)?

That’s funny that you say that about the difference between a monologue and a conversation. I say that all the time! So, when someone tells you that you’re being rude to interject, you can pay attention to their request. Listen to the spirit of their request, which is a plea for compassion.

Ugh. I’m so sorry for all these people making excuses for a fully grown woman. She might very well have problems with processing (both hearing and comprehending). Those are explanations for her interruptions, they’re not excuses. The elderly are just as responsible for their manners as anyone else, and to dismiss that

I was raised to believe that interrupting is extremely rude and I’ll never understand people who justify it.

#9 is a great one. I know people who were cheated out of fortunes.

I wish I could say that I learned something, but my first few post-college jobs were filled with many mistakes from which I did not immediately learn. It took awhile for those problems to translate accurately.

I guess, if I look back on those years, I’d say that, to some degree, working your way up from the bottom is a

Great idea!

And you sound like the kind of person whose child is never, ever leaving home.

Whoah. If this comments section represents the rift in the left side of America, then we are fucked. The circular firing squad is in full effect.

You know, just calling people dumb doesn’t really prove or disprove anything you’ve said, except that you’re irrational when challenged. No wonder you can’t reasonably work through a problem with your child.

I think you’re the one with bad reading comprehension. I never said you were a piece of shit.

I have no idea how your comments relates to what I said.

I recently tried to report an error on Google Maps, but the form didn’t really cover the problem.

This really says more about your parenting than about your kid.

Yes! Thank you.

Whatever people’s answer is, the correct response is don’t generalize your own experience for everyone else. That’s bonkers. Some people eat late, some eat early. 8pm dinner wasn’t uncommon in my household, but neither was 6pm.

I think it’s real nice that all these racists are proclaiming themselves. They put the target on their own back rather than leaving us to wonder, what could possibly lead this woman to abruptly cancel a reservation like that? It’s mysterious. Nope. Not mysterious at all. It’s just common, run-of-the-mill ignorance and