
Okay, I’ll walk that statement back a little because I misspoke. Ray Romano himself is rather adequate. Nothing to write home about, though I did enjoy his character in Parenthood, but I wouldn’t exactly call that acting. (He’s a grumpy man in real life. Not so much a stretch for him.) But he could not have

Are you fucking with us? I think you’re fucking with us. Ray Romano never got good.

This was as inevitable as the turning of the tides. Sooner or later she was going to shoot her mouth off and reveal that — cis, straight, or trans — she’s still a fucking asshole. I was happy to support her transition and her out and proud lifestyle. Honestly, I think it’s silly to be mad at her for not being the

I have to disagree with you, since a reasonable portion of my depression comes from the certainty that 1.) honesty about my depression leads to further alienation, 2.) explaining my depression to loved ones leads them to feel responsible for my well-being, while 3.) giving me the added weight of having to logistically

So were you as a tiny newborn infant, but yer mama still kept you. If she knew this is how you spent your time, I wonder what she’d say.

I re-watched the first three episodes, and the thing that strikes me is how close he came to (in all likelihood) ending the jobs of the people who persecuted him in the first place. An onerous settlement would have forced TPTB to examine their faith in these power-hungry jerks. And it’s highly likely that a clear win

Two articles in a row that speak directly to my own needs for self-improvement. Both are very helpful, at least to me in particular.

“Egocentric mouth hole” is now my vocabulary word for the week.

Yeah, I’m on the fence about this. I’m inclined to agree with you, particularly in reference to claims made during a divorce, but I don’t want to discount abuse allegations altogether. For example, Charlie Sheen has had multiple allegations made against him. I have no trouble believing that he is an abusive pile of

I disagree with the above commenter. It can be intimidating to constantly read about people with their seamlessly organized apps and immaculate office spaces. It’s nice to read about people who get things done without a formalized structure. For many of us, chaos exerts its force on us on a daily basis.

Exactly. Thank you for being one of the only commenters to take standard law practice into account instead of just knee-jerk opinion.

I don’t remember the race bit at all. Perhaps you have me confused with another commenter?

As a child, I deeply wanted to be self-sufficient, but I had no means to do it. To some degree, most children experience this confusing sort of longing, which is why they love stories of adventure and accomplishment. It reflects something telling. Most choices are taken away from them and they are taught that they can

I don’t know enough about the Lindgren stories to judge the intent on race. What I will say, and what I remember of the stories, is that Pippi is strong, happy, and independent, the ideal dream of girls everywhere. She entertains herself and doesn’t really worry about boys. In this respect, I wish more children’s

This is a great photo: the textures, the color.

“Pee-pee-pants manbabies” will now be incorporated into my regular vocabulary. Thank you!

Mmm, skittles.

Anytime some ride-or-die driver sites law as an excuse for poor/murderous behavior, my bullshit alarm goes off. Speeding, driving under the influence, running red lights, cruising through stop signs, double parking, texting while driving, parking in a handicap zone: I don’t know anyone who is a perfectly lawful

Nah. He was looking at the potential paychecks. Go big or go home.

No, it’s the opposite. Cats should be cloistered in their carrying cases. Obviously, they need an opportunity to breathe, but the carrying cases come with airholes/breathable mesh. If the case is hard, it’s best to drape a towel over the opening so that they can’t see out.

This is for the same reason that a new