Oh, god. She remains forever etched in my brain.
Oh, god. She remains forever etched in my brain.
He’s been getting his moment in the sun as of late. Of course, lots of his commentary about women and dating is both played out and gross.
I think Greg Proops has had a lot of good/useful stuff to say about her candidacy. She’s going to be under some heavy fire in the near future, some of it legitimate, some of it not. Here’s to hoping we can find a civil way to navigate the discourse. If not, we’re going to lose four years to the Republicans.
So the law worked as it was intended, which is to say that the only people who get convicted and go to prison are the ones who openly admit their crime in a documented and published record of the court? Justice!
He says this in a bunch of different ways across many episodes. His true love is comedy, but his blind spot is pretty much everything else.
Theory: Trevor Noah does not like America or Americans. VALID. Absolutely valid. But that’s actually not a great basis for a show that is for Americans. By contrast, John Oliver calls us on all our shit but still kind of loves us in all our warped depravity. We look to The Daily Show and Last Week Tonight to show us…
Why is THIS comment not at the top of the queue? YOU ARE DROPPING THE BALL, GAWKER MEDIA.
The thing I like about this article is that it implies that all little girls could get a robot bff. Jezebellians, let’s make that dream come true. Who needs the turmoil of adolescence when you have a bestie with superior logic and a murder function? Make fun of my camel toe now, Jessica?!!!!
I put the age of his next girlfriend at no older than 28. Who’s with me?
“It’s terrible and we’re not going to talk about it. I destroyed every pair of shoes in his closet.”
I’ve found to be oversharing in a work dynamic to be a deadly combination. A lesser person would have leveraged that knowledge against her.
Jim Cooke! Normally I worship at your altar. But this graffic telegraphs a weird conflict about the act of female masturbation. The blue fingers look alien and terrifying.
A long time ago, I dated a trans woman. She was righteous. Super smart and quite perceptive. She had a lot to say about peoples’ notions of gender. Among other things, I learned from her that you are never supposed to ask someone’s gender. But it got me thinking. What do we perceive as male and what do we perceive as…
But, like . . . . [insert confused face]
Yes. And in other news, Big Bird is not literally a bird. He is a tall man dressed as a bird. Star Wars does not literally take place in the stars. The story of Twilight occurs at various times of the day. The tv show Good Times has some bad times. And Community contains plotlines that involve characters behaving in a…
Currently I am on a pro-Proops rampage.