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In case you haven’t seen it, Ross Matthews has the world’s best Lady Gaga story from RPDR:

I know this isn’t a very extreme case of it, but I honestly live for women who grow up and say ‘fuck you’ to their fathers’ restrictive view points.

or pour ketchup on it

They’re always named Donna, aren’t they?

As a black viewer of the show I am annoyed that they are being cutesey and dropping hints and yet I’m also excited because bitch this should have happened a long time ago give WOC our things damn it! Rachel is a joy to watch so I’m hella excited. I feel like they are telling it early so they can get quality guys in

KATYAAAAA. The single most savage moment of All-Stars.

Not too sure about this Split movie. So a dude locks up a bunch of women to rape (I’m assuming, why else lock up a bunch of women?) because he’s mentally ill. With a debunked illness. Pass.

At least he didn’t pee on it.

Tertiary q: why does this man look like alt-right Jon Snow

If hubris and the successful pursuit of headlines were genuine indicators of political aptitude, perhaps Sen. Bernie

Fuck him. Fuck Trump. Fuck the electors. Fuck the Berniebros who protest voted. Fuck anyone who could have easily voted but actively chose not to.


Welp. Here we go. Time to find out if our democracy is really as resistant to demagoguery as we all believed.

With this electorate, Jesus himself would’ve lost.

People see this point and they’re like ‘without the electoral college less populated areas would be erased!’ I’m like ‘yeah DUH’

Ilana in a Bob the Drag Queen tshirt. ILANA IN A BOB THE DRAG QUEEN TSHIRT.

Oh my god, this.

Where were the Congressional investigations on this? We wasted millions in tax payer dollars on Benghazi and emailz, but will this get the same attention? This seems a hell of a lot more disturbing.

Not every comment needs to be 100% expert opinion hot take.