
You are suffering from Unhingemosis. Turn off the liberal fake news and blogs. you will feel better.

The subject of this article is the topic to what I took my precious time for rebuttal. Not to argue against a blue wall of political topics that that you hold so steadfast in ignorance. My party of Kennedy Democrats and Reagan Democrats, even those who are now Republicans, took back the house in 2010, the senate in

Yes I said in the beginning to rebut the blogging biased piece of shit article by William Hughes. I said "Not really… Breitbart's buyers got what they want (done shopping) and are now enjoying the goods. In other words they exited the store. The Liberal hordes are out shopping as noted in increased viewership in

Yes and the glory of american patriots took down the blue walls from the mongols and turned red with blood 3,084 counties while the liberal hordes retreated and wept in their own 47.

Can't find a current Democrap like a John Kennedy Democrat. Kennedy would be appalled and abhorred at the extreme leftist that swamped his party.

Yes right, The Civil Rights Act fact excerpts…When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage.[Said Russell: "We will resist to the bitter

Not really… Breitbart's buyers got what they want (done shopping) and are now enjoying the goods. In other words they exited the store. The Liberal hordes are out shopping as noted in increased viewership in liberal media. They'l be shopping for a long time.

The New Star Trek has become to violent.