
Awww, then we could have soccer riots too!

Prepare for trouble, and make it double...

I know I shouldn't reply to this, it will only garner more offensive zingers, and yet... here I am.

That was cruel... but cheekily amusing.

Sexy or not, Uruguay's defense in that play was ferocious, I'd say managing a goal through that, intentional or happenstance, is at least impressive.

If only they worshipped Candle Jack instead, the worst they would've done to that girl is tie her up!

More like Emantcipation Day :B

Wait... wait wait wait one falcon-punching second—WHERE'S THE CAPTAIN?!!


I came for the MST3k, I stayed for the... more MST3k.

THAT's the way it should have ended.

Good use of brutality, but you failed to separate him from the source of his powers...