Ms. Spifflett

Oh man. I read Brio voraciously, not because it was good, but because it was what I was allowed. I craved Seventeen and YM and other actually cool magazines, but would have felt shamed to death if I’d picked one up. (I still remember surreptitiously buying, reading, and then HIDING Cosmo when I was living in res

I bought myself a subscription to Sassy during a junior high magazine fundraising drive. I loved it, primarily for the chance to briefly escape from a small Alaska city and imagine myself as an urbane, liberated city woman, who got to hang out with cute bands. My mom read one issue with an article about Wiccan

Online commentators are already saying she deserved it, because her tag was blank (in FL, that means the driver is in a high-security level job, and it is a danger to them to have their personal info listed) and so was a criminal, her tint was too dark, and it’s perfectly legal to just run tags (in many states it

Well I can confidently say that you 100% seem like a judgy jerk.

Roughly 30% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. It’s actually closer to 50%, but a lot of those are before the woman even knows she’s pregnant.

God, yes. Sing it, sister. Took up smoking fairly recently to replace my binge drinking habit and I’m getting called out in public pretty frequently. I’m a super-considerate smoker who doesn’t hover anywhere NEAR people, will take into account where the wind is blowing, etc., and I can’t imagine why people still feel

I quit smoking to buy more avocado toast.

God, some of the paternalistic moralizing you are catching for this post is messed up. Honestly, the people telling you to strait fuck off are better.

Yeah no shit. Jesuits question everything. A Jesuit priest developed the Big Bang Theory. And my favorite Jewish philosopher, Maimonides, wrote some of the most introspective religious or non-religious works ever. In his Guide to the Perplexed, he basically outlined how the only real form of worship is total abject

No major religion, and certainly none of the Abrahamic options, are designed to welcome curious, articulate, critical thinkers

I’m sorry, but for the sake of society we’re going to need you to use the smoking comments section, you piece of human garbage.

I love seeing smoking in film. I fell back into smoking after quitting for a little bit and goddamn people treat you like fucking shit if you’re a smoker. Even if you’re a courteous smoker who doesn’t smoke around other people. If they have ANY idea that you smoke they immediately shun you. I think people hate smokers

Well...maybe a few people will. Others will endure serfdom; scouring the irradiated planes beyond the barrier walls for scraps of metal and wood, torn fabrics and broken staples, worn tires and other pieces of ancient vehicles they will cobble together to form shelter. Shanty towns, that offer protection from the sun,

Anyone else get Lularoe and Lululemon mixed up all the time? (I hate both, fyi)

Imagine this: it’s the year 2021 and you’ve just retreated to your Lululemon Home™. You’ve just spent all day doing barre workouts and posting photos of your favorite luxury bee pollen on your Instagram account. Now, you just want to lounge on your couch made of naturally breathable, sweat-wicking Luxtreme™ fabric.

I can see where the author (and others who write about interracial relationships) are coming from, but yes...I also agree with you.

Thank you. I came here to say this. People keep asking for stories about real people that are inclusive. THIS IS A FUCKING REAL STORY THAT IS INCLUSIVE. SO REAL IN FACT THAT IT FUCKING HAPPENED. Unless white women now have to either date within their race or no one is allowed to tell true stories about interracial

Ahhhh I was a mopey ~deep~ 15 year old white girl stranded in rural central California in 1997, and the great disappointment of my life was that I could never make it to Lilith Fair. It totally blew my mind—women who *think* and *feel* and make music and all hang out together. I was a baby feminist/ wannabe poet in

Thanks. Yeah it was like “We love you, even if you’re a lesbian” from elementary school onwards, all the way to my father telling extended family that I was gay. Always based on stuff like me being a vegetarian or not having a feeling about boy bands. I sort of was like “Okay, I guess I’ll date girls” and then when I