Ms. Spifflett

I have given birth via C-section to one child, but wanted a vaginal birth. I did extensive research beforehand on the risks for both options. In most cases involving healthy, uncomplicated births, long labor is not a risk factor. Labor and birth are naturally long processes. The average, depending on how you define

It’s even more basic than that. If you go to gun stores anywhere in the country, you’ll likely see a sign that says something to the effect of:

You gotta love the fact that this righteous, responsible gun owner ignores basic tenets of firearm safety by having that thing pointing at what must be a whole bunch of living humans while he waves it around. The only thing that would have made it worse was if he had accidentally pulled the trigger while sticking it

I assume it meant oncoming divorce because of Chip’s affair with Clint. Everyone thought it was Joanna having the affair or that Clint was in love with her, but that was just a crazy cover and everything is about to come out in the tabloids.

What should happen? A major hospital in every small town, staffed by nurses and OBs who are forced to practice there?

Oh, boy, here comes the screaming match about home births v. hospital births.

Some friends and I were talking about this movie and what’s hilarious to me now that I’m a mom is the idea that I would be OK with never seeing one of my children again for the rest of his/her life. “Like OK, let’s split them up. They’re twins so it’s like they’re the same person. You get this one and I’ll take that

Seriously guys, get it. So, so good.

Seriously guys, get it. So, so good.

As someone from the area, I’d like to whisper that it’s named after its founder, John Lynch, who freed his own slaves and believed in the antislavery movement

God I wish Gorka would fuck off, if only because he likes to play up his British Army bullshit “oh I was in a super secret Intel unit who hunted down the IRA”.

Pink Floyd- Dark side of the moon. No justification necessary really.

Pink Floyd- Dark side of the moon. No justification necessary really.

A male feminist walks into a bar

I got my nails done today, and I had to sit through a few minutes of the doctor oz show while i was the lobby.

the usual guff about Slate being a family

The plight of the modern neoliberal press.

It is hard to overstate how corrupt WVa politics are.

There are, just in the minority. My progressive friends there supported Booth Goodwin, who lost to Justice in the primary.

Mom of a daughter who was allowed to have sex in our home (I have a longer post about the years leading up to this, the many conversations we had, etc.).

My daughter is 18. Recently her longtime (4 years) boyfriend moved in with us because he didn’t have the best of options at home. We can provide him a comfortable home while they both start college in the fall. Anyway, what happens in their bedroom is their business. I’d be an idiot to think nothing happens. I’ve