How YOU doin'?
How YOU doin'?
I type. I think my last eye test had me at 20/400. So everyone's really attractive!
I AM DYING! Thank you for this paragraph:
Go ahead, assholes. Tell us again how "only white people and like seven Indians" care about this issue.
I have 34G breasts and show some cleavage in everything but turtlenecks. I'm sick of being expected to apologize for the way my body is to judgmental assholes like you. I'm not going to wear a giant mu-mu everyday to hide the fact that I have big breast because there is nothing wrong or unprofessional or show-offy…
Fucked, perhaps. But in the classic missionary position only, boy-girl only, and we'd better see those wedding rings, Mister!
They're marking them down???
You've convinced me! Sounds hard to be a man. :(
Potato skin binge all weekend. For feminism....yeah feminism. It'll be a sacrifice that I'm willing to make.
I want this for adults. Except instead of candy, you get tiny bottles of vodka and other assorted 'encouragements'.