
Just like how my ex loved me.

I love this. I know it’s not kosher to judge other people for how they choose to live their lives, and it’s not great to have women knocking other women down, but damn. It’s refreshing to hear such celebration of non-standard beauty. And there is such a tremendous pressure to look pretty for others, to be in the

Versed is the only drug I have ever enjoyed taking.

I’ve been active in the BDSM scene for more than 10 years, and while I wholeheartedly approve of petplay and such, there is no way to solicit consent from passersby and therefore it’s inappropriate. Whether you practice RACK (Risk-Aware Consensual Kink) or SSC (Safe-Sane-Consensual), consent is absolutely necessary.

fuck that noise.

right? jfc, jez. total fail on the tone, if it was meant to be satyrical.

Oh god, just realized I was 17 .... 17 years ago.

I dunno, I think it's a pretty solid point. If you're going to repackage content with a lil bit of Jezebelesque commentary, maybe try to be as accurate as the source material? Seems like a pretty low bar to set, imo.

My ex used to do the same thing! I was forever coming across quarter-rolls of toilet paper. Ugh.

When I was 12 or 13, I used to stay over a friend's house. On more than one occasion I saw her (very hairy/mature/scary looking) father naked — the bathroom was across the hall from his bedroom and he would position himself there. He would always act somewhat surprised, but never bothered to cover himself. I would run

I find flat white ass rather tasty myself

I smoked for 10 years, 17-27. I can say that I was always begrudgingly kind to other smokers. I did get really bothered by people who habitually bummed though. I used to have someone who lived in my dorm that used to smoke the last two drags off my smokes - you know, the drags near the filter that can taste terrible?

Either the most important thing is having people you care about there for a celebration, or what things look like/the image/the aesthetics. So, either it's fine that Uncle Jack or cousin Joey shows up in rumpled khakis, or it's more important that everyone in your photos be dressed to the nines.


Don't worry. They're only *probably* the least homophobic and most accepting person in the world.

Really? Nearly everyone who attended my school gives back. Even I have, though intermittently, as I just recently finished grad school. I was on nearly full need-based scholarship while at my undergrad, so I feel like it's important to donate to my alma mater.