
I know! I kept looking at all the positive reviews on various outlets (including here) and felt like I was being gaslit.

SHLOCKY! That's the word I was looking for.

I liked Parenthood ok, and just watched that recently. My problem with This Is Us tries to get completely un-earned tears. Also Toby is the worst. And Milo's character is really lazily written. I've got a list.

It's so manipulative, though!

I love so many people involved, so I'm giving it a chance. But yeah. Expect a lot of anus and porn mentions in the first episode, a lot of being unbelievably inappropriate in front of small children (I don't have kids, but I remember my occasionally profane parents at least making an effort to drop their voices from

This Is Us deserves nothing but cancellation.

Exactly. It's pretty real for people to fire off these lines when, you know, they fit the situation.

Watch it anyway. This review (in my cynical opinion) is off.

Actually, it boggles the mind that Gypsy (a show I was actually surprised to enjoy) gets dragged here, but this site is all kinds of taken in by This Is Us.

good one

Or she could drink a lot because of trauma.

Or it does, in that she recognizes the same off-ness, and evil, that was present in Coop the last time she saw him.

I'm so torn on marketing. I really don't know how else they could have positioned this movie to make people want to see it; this feels like it was destined to be a word-of-mouth-driven, potential cult hit. But I'm picking up on this trend — you know how, as a goof, about a decade ago, people started re-cutting

I don't like tasteless reactions to suicide. That's not an axe.

I have one such job myself, and mine (and this is typical) doesn't provide the wealth of mental health care yours seems to. And even when those health benefits MAY be available, navigating them is not something people often feel equipped to do in the middle of a mental health crisis.

Was coming here to say it came across as tasteless, but then didn't. (See?)

Or maybe just say nothing at all?

Glad you're able to diagnose what would've saved this guy's life. Meanwhile, I'm not blaming you for anything but bad taste.

Jesus, mine doesn't. Are you really that naive to think everyone has such complete (even employer-provided) care?

I had a heart-to-heart with my dad about how scared I was after we all saw it in the theater.